Lucinda J Kinsinger

The Year Just Past and an Unexpected Relationship

Hello, good friends. My posts have been sparse lately, and it’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything, really, about me.

This is partly because I’ve been busy, caught up in a swirling whirlwind of a life. So much has happened so fast, I’ve barely had time to process it all, let alone write about it.

But also, I think, when big things happen I tend to retreat into myself, saving all available energy for meeting the next moment, taking the next breath, testing the fabric of every emotion to see whether it is old or new, trusty or false.

A little over a year ago, my brother Chad and I took a trip to China that had been for me a dream for years. The months since then have been perhaps the fullest and most varied of my life. I experienced loss that left me lonely and weeping. I formed new friendships I believe will last for a lifetime. I faced unmet expectations and found unexpected fulfillment. I felt the awkwardness and uncertainty of stepping into a new culture, along with the richness of experience that comes when one sees life, like a child, through the lens of the first time.

College happened, along with these cool college kids I’ve learned to love.

Boston happened, with moments of culture and urban beauty.

Wisconsin happened, with its free hearts and wild beauty all the more precious because they are Home.

Best of all, this man happened. Speaking of unexpected things and crazy awesome surprises…he is that. His name is Ivan Kinsinger, and he lives and does crop farming in Oakland, Maryland. We are building a friendship that still feels too new and sacred to talk about much. Amazingly gentle, deeply caring and wise…someday I will tell you the story of how we met. That story is God’s reminder to me that he knows me better than I know myself, and that life in His care—though rarely planned in a schedule book—will always be exactly right.

Ivan and I in front of Swallow Falls in Maryland

The summer stretches ahead—or maybe I should say scrunches ahead, considering I have about thirty oceans of living to cram into three short spaces of time. Already though, I am seeing that crazy busy gets easier when there are two of you to tackle it. Summer has started; the future awaits.

Pray for us.

24 thoughts on “The Year Just Past and an Unexpected Relationship”

  1. I expected this to happen one day and happy to see your happy disclosure now. Thanks for this announcement and the dangly carrot: Of course, I want to know how you met.

    By the way, I divulge my own secret in one of the last chapters of my memoir.

    Best wishes to you and Ivan! :-)

  2. If a man hadn’t happened I would have said the guys must have their eyes closed! Wishing you both all the best! Keep us posted😊❤️

  3. Luci!
    I was all ears when I read your title, but disciplined myself to wait till the end to find out what is going on in relationships. ❤️😍.

    I’m so happy for you. He had better be a good, good man. But I know you wouldn’t choose one who wasn’t. I love all of the fun and beautiful photos in this post. Are you back to Sattler this fall?

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Luci…yes, he is a good good man. I know what you would look for, and I know that he would meet it. :) <3
      I am planning for Sattler in the fall, Lord willing.

  4. Congratulations Lucinda. I’m happy to hear this and like Luci said he had better be a good, good man. Or else this little short black lady will come tell him a thing or two. In a nice way, of course😊
    Have a blessed summer.

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Hi Regina, I absolutely love this reply, and I love knowing there is a little short black lady who’s got my back! :) Love to you and hope your summer is blessed as well.

  5. I like your ‘threatening’, Regina, haha! :) And Luci, Congratulations!!!! I like how you said, ‘Best of all, this man happened’. Sounds like he IS a good man. I’m happy for you and him! Blessings to you both!

  6. Oh Luci, congratulations! Can’t tell you how happy I am for you… God bless each step of the journey!

  7. I’ve missed your personal posts, but this was worth the wait. So happy that you see God working in your life and giving you good things.

    Looking for the “How We Met” story.

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Gina, it’s so good to hear from you, and thank you for your kind sentiments. Knowing of your recent loss, I was thinking of you as I wrote this! I know that you and Ed met and married when you were a little older than some, and I was remembering our conversation about singleness and marriage and thinking how unfair it seems that while I am starting a new relationship, you have to take a break from yours (until heaven). Praying for you and sending love.

  8. Congratulations Luci! Sometimes life feels like we are just trudging along and other times change flows swift all around. Blessings to you both! jane

  9. I am behind in reading and then to catch up I read the posts newest to oldest, so just reading this. First of all I am very glad to hear that you will continue your education. Second, I hope to hear more about Ivan and how you met.

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