Lucinda J Kinsinger

So What’s Going On in Sheldon, Wisconsin?

My little brother Benny got married this weekend, that’s what. He and his new wife Tricia married in  Nebraska, where she grew up, but—lucky us—they plan to live right here in Rusk County, Wisconsin. Benny will continue to work at Conrath Quality Meats, the meat processing plant my three brothers own together. Trish will continue to work toward her nursing degree, but this year in Eau Claire, about an hour from our home in the middle of nowhere.

That’s the bridal party, with Jeff and Chad, Elizabeth and Gina as attendants. Photo credit to my aunt, Miriam Crisenberry.

I recently started a new job working as a nurse’s aide in the Ladysmith Nursing Home. This is a summer job for me. I need to save money to pay for lodging in Boston, where I will attend college this fall. Then, I will be busy with studies, so I am taking every opportunity to save money now. I work night shift, and I love the quiet of it.

Luci in scrubs, only you can’t see much of it. :)

I also continue, temporarily, to work as the clean up lady at my brothers’ meat shop. I took my niece Madison in to work with me the other day. She was AWED by the butchering process.

Madison, dressed for business

I have been involved in Bible studies at our local jail for a couple of years, and this summer I have been doing a more intense series of lessons—on broken relationships, rejection, and forgiveness—with some of the women there. Since we work through them on an individual basis—4 to 6 sessions with each woman who takes part—it calls for quite a commitment on my part. I love being able to relate to the women in this way and hope and pray the sessions will help them in the long term. I also appreciate the jail administrator for being open to me coming in so often—but yes, I do miss my free evenings.

On the way back from Nebraska, my family attended church at the “little brown church in the vale,” located in a small Iowa town. Yes, it is a real church! We enjoyed the service very much.

As some of you know, at the beginning of the year, I began writing a regular column for Mennonite World Review. Now, very recently, I’ve begun writing regular posts for The Dock, a resource designed especially for Anabaptist teachers. My first post is “A Math Teaching Aid: How to String Counting Beads.” It was published first on my very own blog, back in my school teaching days.

Ben and Trish’s matching shoes.

I’m sorry if this post sounds like a long to-do list, but that’s basically what it is. This is a period of transition in my life, and as I close up/continue to work through old projects (the book I am working on, jail ministry, cleaning at the butcher shop), I am also beginning new projects (regular columns, the new CNA job, college this fall.) Therefore, this time of my life feels extra full. I know things will balance out as I fall into a more scheduled routine and as I learn what I can and cannot say yes to. But if my blogging has been sporadic—I always intend to post Tuesdays, and I am always late with my posts, always! plus I still haven’t finished my China series—that is why.

In July, I will head up to Deer Lake in northern Ontario with a group of young people to help with summer Bible school. This is a trip I had planned months ago and a trip I have been taking every summer for the past three years. This year our group is bigger than ever before. Eight of us will be going, and I am looking forward to the new element a larger group will bring to my northern experience. I am especially excited about the extra attention and love we will be able to give the children with so many teachers involved.

God is good.

All the time.

More on China coming—I won’t say soon because I’ve made too many blogging promises I haven’t kept—but coming when it comes. Deer Lake, Sattler, life to follow.

God bless you all.


In the photo at the top, Benny and Trish embark on their honeymoon and a new life together. Photo credit to Kathy Zimmerman. 

18 thoughts on “So What’s Going On in Sheldon, Wisconsin?”

  1. God has blessed you with many gifts ! Its wonderful to see your impact and influence on many for The Kingdom of Heaven! God bless you with more grace for each day, and knowlege and wisdom of The Holy One!
    I enjoy your posts greatly.

  2. Barbara Ziesemer

    Thank you for sharing glimpses of your life, I thought I was coming to Wisconsin next weekend,But those plans have changed. What material do you use for jail ministry?I feel the need to apply to so many of my husband’s family as well as others I meet. But they must be willing and God is the softener and healer of broken hearts. God bless you as you serve Him. I look forward to your posts

    1. Lucinda Miller

      I have three booklets called “Bondage to Freedom,” one on broken relationships, one on rejection, and one on forgiveness, put out by Gospel Express Ministries, written by Ervin M. Miller. The address on the front of the booklet, if you are interested in ordering then for yourself, is P.O. Box 217, Lynn, NC 28750.

  3. Your life is full and happy, it seems. I remember working in a bologna processing plant and a nursing home too, saving money for school.

    I never thought of gray and white as color choices for a bridal party, but so they are!
    Happy serving, saving, and . . . of course, writing!

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Thank you, Marian. I like that your before school jobs are so similar to mine. And I also never thought of gray and white as bridal colors…but I like it!

  4. Wow! In the end, I’m glad that I read, “I will head up to deer lake”. Reading everything from the beginning, it sounded so busy, that made me think “awe, Luci won’t be visiting Deer Lake?”
    Anyways safe travels and enjoy the busy life!

    1. Karen Deana Meekis.

      I did not think my comment would go anonymous… that was me.
      Karen Deana Meekis

  5. Your pictures bring back poignant and sad and reminiscent memories. Growing up Mennonite never leaves one even if no one else can ever tell. May you find meaning and adventure and happiness in your pursuits.

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Thank you for your good wishes. I have heard before “once a Mennonite always a Mennonite” and I suppose there’s a lot of truth in that. :)

  6. Ruth Christner

    If your new SIL is in the program in EC, I shall have to look for her! We get students! Is she at the tech or university and how far along? I’ve been to the little brown church! When I worked in the nursing home in ND, we had a lady who had been married there! Also she was from Indiana, Pennsylvania. She used to chant Indiana Pennsylvania…everyone thought she was talking nonsense and I said to her I know where Indiana, PA is and she loved it and everyone else looked shocked!

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Interesting! About Trish…I’m not sure which program she will be a part of, and I don’t want to disturb her honeymoon to ask :) but I think she will be attending the university. She hasn’t started the actual nurse’s training yet; so far it’s just been prerequisites.

  7. Do you know what year that mustang is? It looks like the one I used to drive, but in better condition. (My MIL has a ’69 model that I had/got to drive when we were first married and didn’t have a second vehicle.) 😁

    1. Lucinda Miller

      It’s a nice looking car, isn’t it? It is actually not a Mustang, but a Corvair. Not sure of the year, but it’s the late 60’s or the 70’s.

  8. I enjoyed this blog !! We get the Mennonite World Review and I have been reading your columns when the paper comes to our house. You have a wonderful gift of writing……blessings as you try to balance you “full schedule”

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