Lucinda J Kinsinger

Girl looking at reflection in glass

Validation: What Have You Done to Receive It?

The following post is by Annette Ladell and was first published on her blog: Overcoming Obstacles.

What have you done to receive validation? This is a tough question for me.  I am ashamed of who I used to be, and what I used to do to receive validation.

I ran into an old friend recently who asked me what I’ve been up to for the past twenty years. Part of my answer, for some reason, was that I turned my life around.  I have no idea why I said it, but it prompted him to ask me what that meant.

He knew me when I was at my worst.

The conversation led to us discussing validation.  I admitted that, when I was in my early twenties, I used to crave validation.  I remember feeling like I wasn’t worth anything to anyone unless I was giving them what they wanted.  This mentality caused me to be taken for granted in many situations, but I know it was my own fault.  I kept doing the same things over and over in order to feel worthy of the attention.

Some of the things I’ve done still haunt me today.

I remember, vividly, being in certain situations thinking, “Why am I doing this? This is not me! I hate this! I hate that I keep doing this!”

I knew who I wasn’t, but I did not know who I was.  

I wanted to stop.

Stop being the girl with no identity.

I remember the first time I met someone who liked me for who I was. I wanted to know the person they saw. I wanted to meet her.

If you’ve ever seen the movie “Thirteen Going On Thirty,” being with this person was similar to thirteen-year-old Jennifer Garner waking up as her thirty-year-old self. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was forced to see who she had become.

I looked at this new “mirror” friend with confusion. I was showered with acceptance and affirmation for no reason.

I met more people like my mirror friend.

And then, I met their source of love.

It didn’t happen immediately. It took a long time – about twenty years actually – to truly feel the depth of it.

I started to value myself.

My identity emerged when I finally allowed the love to overtake me.

Nothing I did, or could do, would provide true validation.

Only His love.


Annette LaDell is a writer. She created her blog, Overcoming Obstacles, two years ago to share her healing journey with her readers. Her goal is to reveal God’s healing love to everyone her blog reaches. Annette is a divorced mother of 4 teenagers who love and challenge her daily! She recently started working on her Masters degree in School Counseling and hopes to reach at risk youth with God’s love.

Feature photo at the top by Duncan Sanchez on Unsplash.

1 thought on “Validation: What Have You Done to Receive It?”

  1. I can relate to doing really dumb stuff in my younger days thinking it validated me and made me feel like I mattered. I think even now I will do things that I find myself scratching my head and wondering in the world did I do that. Thank you for sharing Annette’s story.

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