Lucinda J Kinsinger

To Boston and Back

Last Friday Ivan and Annalise and I took a train trip.

We traveled to Boston to attend the Sattler Class of 2022 commencement. This was Sattler College’s very first commencement, a Grand Historic moment. I also was a part of Sattler’s inaugural class. This past Saturday, I would have been standing on the stage of the stately and majestic Converse Hall, receiving a degree with my classmates…only I go married and moved to Oakland after only one year of college.

Totally not in the plans.

Here are several of my favorite posts from early Sattler days:

So What’s Up with Sattler, Anyway?

Boston Is a Whole Different Banana

And here is the blog post where Ivan saw a picture of me standing against a door and felt a strong impression from God that “she is the one.” He wondered how that would work when I was fulfilling my dream of attending college and all, and in his very sweet letter asking if I was interested in dating, he sent me a little drawing illustrating what God had showed him. With his permission, I’m sharing it here:

Left side of the page: The boxes weighing down the scales say, “Having never even seen each other” and “college.” The lightweight box that doesn’t begin to even the balance says, “my desire for a relationship.” Above the scales he wrote: “At first I looked at the scales and said it’s no use. My desire doesn’t come close to balancing the scales.”

Right side of the page: With GOD added to the scales and the two deleterious boxes flying into the distance, he wrote, “When God is involved he can turn the scales into a catapult and send what I considered to be, things that outweigh my desire, flying!!”

So! If you are beset by fear or hemmed in by circumstances that seem immovable, remember that circumstances and people do change. I never thought I would date Ivan, but because God was involved, I changed my mind, and it’s as simple as that.

I am proud of my Sattler classmates who graduated after four years of challenging academic work. Here I am with Lois, my old roomie:

And here with Dr. Leaman (and my sidekick Annalise, of course).

I learned so much from all the Sattler professors, but because I am a word person and a humanities person, I felt a special bond with Dr. Leaman, the humanities professor. His extensive knowledge of the humanities, his ability to teach good writing and deepen an inexperienced freshman’s understanding, and his caring heart all stand out. Dr. Leaman will be starting a new program based in Lancaster whereby high school students–with an eye to the homeschoolers–can take advanced classes and receive college credit through Sattler. I don’t know any more about it than that, but it sounds like a wonderful opportunity that I would have jumped at as a young person.

Ivan and Annalise and I spent a little time hanging out in my old stomping grounds, the Boston Common and the Boston Public Garden. Our selfie skills are as spotty as ever.

Being here together brought back so many memories of early dating days, when Ivan visited me in Boston, and I was just pretty sure he was NOT the right individual for me. Much too hick, I thought. I wanted someone classy and intellectual.

Falling in love with my gentle, kind, intelligent, and funny husband has taught me so much about what is truly valuable and worth holding onto in people. Outward appearance, the things we try for and shine ourselves up in mirrors for, hold so little worth when it comes to a life and when it comes to having something solid, lasting, and wonderful to hold onto.

Speaking of solid, lasting, and wonderful–in a mother’s heart, if nowhere else–how about the ephemeral smiles of a child?

Here’s one for your week.

3 thoughts on “To Boston and Back”

  1. Those eyelashes. She is so beautiful. I love this line of your post: Falling in love with my gentle, kind, intelligent, and funny husband has taught me so much about what is truly valuable and worth holding onto in people. I’m so glad life is full of second and third chances – of years that age us on the outside, but make us wiser on the inside, if we’re willing to listen and grow and risk.

  2. I have thoroughly enjoyed and marveled in you letting us in on your love story. It’s so beautiful, and I can identify with so much- the boyfriend that I wanted to date yet wasn’t quite the “cool” that I thot I would end up with; my having 4 years more education that he did… I’m so glad it didn’t stop your Ivan or my husband, and I can’t imagine where I’d be without this wonderful, humble man that has guided me for almost 23 years now!

  3. Pingback: May 2022 Photo Journal - Lucinda J Kinsinger

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