Lucinda J Kinsinger

The Hut

The old van has been parked up in our woods for years.

This spring, when I was feeling hemmed in by too many people, too many events, and no time to write, Mom came up with the brainy idea of making me a writing cabin.


She and Dad tore out the seats and the carpet, laid down linoleum, and hauled in a desk and a file cabinet.


I found the desk chair set out for the taking in somebody’s front yard.


Mom is brilliant. (And she wonders where we children get our imaginations.)

She also just happened to have an old wicker table and chair, three can of red spray paint, and a pretty white board. Voila!


The coasters are also from Mom: an early birthday gift.


I contributed the coffee cups.


Chad thought of a name for my cabin, and Elizabeth painted the sign.


She also helped me decorate and took photos.





There is a peculiar smell about the old van: maybe the rust, or the rotting leaves in the grill, or the abandoned mice nests in the walls. I spent an afternoon scrubbing everything, and that helped. The candles, a red one on each wheel well, should help too.


When I write, I open up all the windows and doors. It is cool and breezy in the woods. I have gooseberries and raspberries outside my back door.


I recently signed this:


a contract with Herald Press for a book to add to their series Plainspoken. The book, so far entitled Mennonite Millennial, will be about my life and community here in rural Rusk County.

I know that I will be using my cabin often, as a quiet work space away from wi-fi and telephones.

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of my cabin; guess I’d better get writing!


Photos taken by Elizabeth Miller


27 thoughts on “The Hut”

  1. So happy for you, Lucinda! A personal writing space is so precious! And yours is so unique! Guess I’d better let you get writing =)

  2. I just love this. Specifically:
    1. Your parents being so with you and for you. And your siblings–the sign!
    2. Using something you already had on hand.
    3. Turning “junk” into a cozy, beautiful writing space.
    4. Not waiting on perfection or extra money to come along, but using your imaginations with what you already had.
    5. The free chair!!
    6. Herald Press! The contract!!

    May God bless that Hut and make it a place of rest, inspiration, productivity, and many many words.

    1. Thank you so much. I feel very loved and blessed by my parents and siblings’ 100% support. And I would never have guessed that a junky old van could turn into my perfect writing spot. I am surrounded by imaginative, creative people. :)

  3. The Hut is perfect. I am so happy for you. I have longed for a hut of my own so I can see how this is going to be wonderful…at least until the Wisconsin winter hits. I want your book when it is out for the public eye. :) Blessings…

    1. Yeah, I’ve been wondering if I could get a battery-operated heater or something, so I can use my hut even when winter hits. We’ll see. At least I have a few good months before then. :)

  4. Pingback: Going Home - Lucinda J Kinsinger

  5. Pingback: Every 15 Pictures - Lucinda J Kinsinger

  6. Pingback: Mouse in the House - Lucinda J Kinsinger

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