Comments on: I Saw A Star Fall From Heaven Movement, Color, Sound, Story Wed, 02 Jan 2019 04:55:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Wed, 22 Jul 2015 23:45:01 +0000 From mine heart I drag my heels ” A little more time My God i will find one”. His promise to me being pure. All of a 1000 men I’ve met. Only one for our world to be saved. “To find one good man is all he wants” another 1000 met in their muddy life’s. Asking of me to find only one good man for the Earths sake. I have failed my God I have failed. Non are good. What shall I do. I will try and be good. Another might be charged to find one good man. For the earths sake. Then pray he find me. A man who is lost. Trying to be good. As I love the wary. Created for me to dwell in peace. A 1000 may just say a fool and his feast. What’s this letter Lord I’ve to read to churches? One summer I saw a star because of Mark Barabass.

By: lucindaj Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:59:24 +0000 In reply to Stephanie J. Leinbach.

Yes. Yes. And Yes.

By: Stephanie J. Leinbach Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:09:52 +0000 It’s not for tradition’s sake that I like the KJV Bible, but because it is unparalleled in its raw and poignant beauty. Thank you for sharing this. It is beautiful.

Is there not a sense in which all great writing, whether poetry or prose, feels found? The best writing contains truths too large to be mastered by a single pen or brain. The writer and reader together stumble upon it and say “Ah-ha! Yes, exactly!”

That’s why I read and write: for the Ah-ha moment.

By: guatemalazwigal Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:33:57 +0000 Wow……just….wow!!!! Thank you, luci, I really liked that!!!
