Comments on: I Am a Rock Movement, Color, Sound, Story Wed, 02 Jan 2019 04:56:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: lucindaj Wed, 29 Oct 2014 03:55:19 +0000 I really like this, Luci. It would be lovely to hear it sung. Thanks for sharing!

By: Luci Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:41:02 +0000 Beautiful. And I love your description of family trips. Yesterday we went to a concert and the soloist sang a song that I thought of right away when I read your post, Luci. Here are the lyrics of an old Welsh tune called “Over the Stone”:

Over the stone, the old gray stone,
Let me ponder here alone,
Through all weather we go together
Ancient stone, thou good old stone.
Of the many friends I’ve seen,
Thou the truest friend has been,
Some forget me, some have fled,
Some are false, and some are dead,
Changing never constant ever,
Still I find thee, dear old stone.

Standing here, thou silent stone,
What a world thou must have known!
Deeds of glory, lost to story,
Hast thou witness’d ancient stone.
Here beneath the grass, ’tis said,
Many warriors bones are laid,
Fighting for their land they fell,
None but thou can truly tell.
Secrets keeping, ever sleeping,
Dream’st thou of the past, old stone?
