Lucinda J Kinsinger

Pajamas and Authoring at Seventeen Below

Cold outside today, just a little. Seventeen below, my Android tells me.

I am still in my pajamas as a write this, slouched on the couch with a blanket over my body and warm fuzzy socks on my feet. You can do that sort of thing with a good conscience when part of your profession is authoring. All a necessary part of the writing process, you tell yourself.

You can also do things on the job like catch up on three weeks worth of laundry—laundry accumulated during the last leg of your college classes, when you didn’t have time for anything but.

Not much else new going on here—well, that’s not actually true. Several interesting things have happened recently, such as the lost keys episode and the failed exam episode and the continuing-crisis-of-major-life-decisions episode. But those things need to percolate in my mind a bit more or (in the case of major life decisions) a lot more before I write them.

In the meantime, author Tina Fehr has privileged me with an interview about my children’s book, The Arrowhead. You can read the interview on her blog. Among her work, Tina has published chapter books for children, which you can also find on her blog. She says she would like to expand her reach to include a children’s picture book someday.

Also exciting for me, on January 29 my first column in Mennonite World Review went to print. You can read the online version on their website. 

Wishing you blessings and happiness, even in winter, even in February. Stay warm, everyone! And if you live in a place where there are flowers right now or, alternately, where it’s even colder than seventeen below, I would love to hear about it in the comments.

8 thoughts on “Pajamas and Authoring at Seventeen Below”

  1. Yessss, there are flowers here. But really, I would prefer the snow. At least long enough to make a snow angel and a snowman and take a few strolls after dark. And then curl up in pajama’s and drink coffee and write. And do laundry. I get that part too.

    1. Yes, I suppose I would miss the snow, too, if I didn’t have it. Especially on sunny days, and when January bitter cold fades into February less cold.

  2. Susan Burkholder

    I enjoyed your MWR article. Here’s a few more Mennonite jokes I like:

    Q: How was copper wiring invented? A: Two Mennonites got into a fight over a penny!

    Q: How was the Grand Canyon formed? A: A Mennonite dropped a quarter into a crack.

    Q: What do Mennonites yell at a football game? A: Get that QUARTER BACK! Get that QUARTER BACK! (We Pennsylvanians do love that one right now!)

  3. Congratulations on so many projects going on at once.

    I don’t think I heard about the failed test?

    1. I retook it, because of the kindness of my professor, and got a 100% the second time. I had been going to write about failure, its implications and the good that can come from it, but after I retook my exam and it was no longer a failure, it didn’t seem so necessary to write about it. :)

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