Lucinda J Kinsinger

Out for the Summer

Outside, that is. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours crimping hay for Ivan–a new skill for me. He laughed–so thankful he’s not the kind of guy to get mad–when I crimped the first 6 or 8 rows the wrong direction. Yes, the wrong direction, in spite of the fact that we both repeated an “Up, Down, Up, Down” mantra multiple times before I started out, to help me know which direction to go.

And if that explanation doesn’t make much sense to you, it didn’t to me either. That’s why I went the wrong way. :) Always have been better with my abstract thinking skills than my concrete thinking skills. Makes for great grades in college and a lot of getting lost on the road.

I have a lot going on right now, busy-ness wise. My business manager (a.k.a Ivan) told me to post this picture of me driving tractor with a couple of sentences about being too busy to write a blog post.

I’m obeying him. Sorta.

Besides working outside with Ivan (which actually has taken only a minimum of my time), I have been working on some other exciting but stretching projects: pursuing a communications degree with Lancaster Bible College; working to publish two new books (you’ll hear more about those later); overseeing the admissions blog for Sattler College; and starting an exciting new job of helping to develop creative writing curriculum for Christian Light Publications. God has given me so many great opportunities, that yeah, I’ve been a little busy lately. With all of this, maybe the most important opportunity He’s giving me is learning to sort priorities and develop my “no” muscle. Still working on that one.

And I do hate giving a whole list of “This is why I’m so busy, wow, what a great person I am to accomplish so much.” I’ve always hated that attitude, and I don’t mean it that way. I am excited about these things, and overwhelmed by them some times, but I am trying very hard not to let them rule me.

I want my life to be about more than what I get done, and my friends to know I have time for them. Know that.

And enjoy the summer. It’s beautiful.

6 thoughts on “Out for the Summer”

  1. Wow….you do have some wonderful opportunities !! Go for it !! I love the story about the “hay being crimped the wrong way” :)
    Keep writing……I enjoy reading your blog.
    Bertha Metzler

    1. Ivan says another name for it is a hay conditioner, if you’ve heard of that. It breaks the stems of the hay, which makes it dry quicker and also feel softer.

  2. I like the line about abstract vs concrete thinking skills – reminds me of my daughter and makes me smile.

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