Comments on: My Plain Mennonite Heritage and Boundaries Movement, Color, Sound, Story Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:10:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brendan Armitage Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:10:35 +0000 I am blessed to read your thinking. I find myself driving about our Lancaster County thinking about some of your blog posts. They’re well-written and so full of insight and questions!

Discipline trains us towards how we want our society to behave. I would just encourage parents to put their efforts into discipline that makes sense to them. If a clean home is a demonstration of devotion to our Lord, then by all means have discipline to keep a clean home. But if a clean home is simply what your Mennonite neighbors want you to keep and not what you two as a couple want to keep, then that’s probably not where I’d apply my discipline?

And autism is just a term to group different ways of organizing the brain. God gives each of us different insights into His kingdom. Some people have brains organized in a way that works well within our society. We call those people “geniuses”. Others have brains that don’t seem to work as well within the structure of our society. We call those people “autistic”. I believe in my heart and I know in my head that God has a purpose for each of us. Just because I don’t understand that purpose, doesn’t mean that the purpose doesn’t exist.

And finally, this paragraph of yours below beautifully defines what binds us as Mennonites! What a healthy way to live in love! Bless you.

“We may know we should set boundaries for children, but along with that, I think we should also consider setting boundaries for ourselves. Yes, maybe we are old enough to know there’s terrible violence in the world, but that doesn’t mean we should take the liberty of watching graphic violence on television or in movies. There may be a time and place to watch such things, but not as an everyday diet. Our spirits, like our children’s, can be hardened, deadened, or made afraid. I believe we will be healthier and happier as persons and as parents if we set boundaries on what we allow into our own lives as well as our children’s.”

By: Susie Mon, 12 Dec 2022 09:06:46 +0000 Love this series. Lots of food for thought. I wish every child in the world grew up in a home with loving parents! How much better would the world be today?!

By: Lucinda J. Miller Sat, 03 Dec 2022 02:25:35 +0000 In reply to Anne.

Thank you so much for this, Anne. This is wise and kind and beautiful, and I very much thank you for commenting.

By: Anne Fri, 02 Dec 2022 03:40:04 +0000 I don’t claim to know it all, this is just from my experience.]]> I don’t want to digress from your point as I know this wasn’t the point you were trying to make, boundaries in a baby and child’s life are so important…but I had heard the same as the doctor told you “he said he believes in many cases children diagnosed as “autistic” are actually just children who haven’t learned boundaries.”
I found out this thinking is not reality…Unless he personally had this happen with his child, misdiagnosed with autism when it was really training needed, it grieves me that people say this.
Having been thrust into the world of autism, through the years and different states, I have never met an autistic child that “just had not been trained.” I am not saying that it isn’t possible and doesn’t happen but I have personally seen the opposite, children being mistreated and misunderstood because they were not diagnosed and taken care of the way they need to be. Nothing helps these children like patience, loving guidance, unconditional love and acceptance.

Proverbs 13:24 tells us that “He who withholds his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.” These are wonderful words that I know to be true!

I also know the painful grief of having children locked away in the prison of “broken brains”. Unable to love and laugh and live like we do, the world is hostile place to these precious little ones, that Jesus loves so much. Life is a confusing and difficult place for them.
I know now, that to plant the thought that “perhaps they just weren’t trained”, is devastating.
I understand that often people don’t understand autism/spectrum disorders. Jesus does understand…and His love for these “little ones” is a love I never knew until I entered this world of “broken brains” and saw His tender love for them.
This has been my world for years now, a world I would never have chosen, a world I would never want any parent to have to enter, but also a world where the love of Jesus for these “little ones” is so evident and real and a world where He is very close, if we look to Him.
He does give us beauty (for what may look like) ashes in our life every time, if we will give Him the ashes. He does make all things
beautiful. 🖤
I don’t claim to know it all, this is just from my experience.

By: How my Plain Mennonite Heritage Impacts my Parenting - Lucinda J Kinsinger Thu, 01 Dec 2022 16:03:31 +0000 […] My Plain Mennonite Heritage and Boundaries […]

By: Lucinda J Thu, 01 Dec 2022 14:40:21 +0000 In reply to Marcie.

Oh that’s so encouraging! Thank you!

By: Marcie Thu, 01 Dec 2022 14:35:23 +0000 I want to thank you for your parenting series! My family is not Mennonite, but we live among many Mennonite families. We are a Christian homeschooling, rice-farming family of seven in Northern California. We read all of your posts & have enjoyed all of your books so much! Please, keep writing! We love your gentle, kind wisdom & wonderful humor! We also really enjoy the “little window” you give us into the lives of our Mennonite neighbors—knowing more is helping us love them better! Before, we tended to shy away—worried about offending them if they saw our daughters wearing blue jeans, etc. What you’ve taught us has made us more brave in reaching out & interacting! Our children even attended their vacation Bible school over the summer! Our family is grateful to you!

By: Lucinda J Thu, 01 Dec 2022 13:16:23 +0000 ]]> In reply to Lynn.

That’s what mothers of multiple children keep telling… you think you have it all figured out finally for the first child, and then the second one comes along. 🤔

By: Lucinda J Thu, 01 Dec 2022 13:14:04 +0000 </a>. Thank you. ☺]]> In reply to 😉.

Thank you. ☺️

By: 😉 Thu, 01 Dec 2022 13:12:56 +0000 As a Nana, I’ve totally enjoyed your little series! Adults and children who live within their boundaries are truly so much happier!
Keep writing! I enjoy reading here!
