Lucinda J Kinsinger


Tender words, gentle touch and a good cup of coffee,
And someone that loves me and wants me to stay;
Hold them near while they’re here and don’t wait for tomorrow,
To look back and wish for today.
~Gloria Gaither

That song has been running through my mind the last couple of days.

I am an achiever. No doubt about it. A quiet, slip-along-the-edges achiever, but an achiever for all that. It is easy for me to get caught up in my doing, in the rush and pound of days, and never savor the moments that stream past.

And I am an introvert. A love-people-to-pieces introvert, but an introvert for all that. And maybe it comes with the territory of introverts to secretly always wish to stay home, to love sitting in the corner and doing the same thing we did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.

In my case, that’s writing. And school stuff. And cleaning the house. And reading, if I can squeeze it it. Just the same old, same old. Parties and friends I do grudgingly, anxious always to get back to my corner and my routine.

This is not to say I don’t love parties and friends. I do. And not to say I wouldn’t get bored and depressed and lonely without them. I would.

Sometimes I think I am the richest person alive, with the friends and the family God has blessed me with. I have so many people in my life who care about me and for whom I care tremendously. I am bulging, intoxicated, satiated with love.

My mission this year? To savor these people, these lovers.

Not worry, when I am with them, about all the things I need to get done today, all the things I want to accomplish this year. Not be wishing always for my corner and my computer.

I want to savor beauty.

Sunsets. Dad came rushing in from the barn to tell us about this one.


Little girls.

And slippers. They brought these to school when I was having a bad morning and we had an impromptu slipper day. It cheered up my day.


Chocolate kiss towers. My niece MacKenzie made one yesterday, when everyone was over for Sunday lunch. Chocolate-ringed mouths are nice, too.

chocolate kisses

Sleigh rides and Amish buggies. My little school visited a local buggy shop a couple weeks ago, as well as an Amish schoolroom and a cheese factory. Eugene and Joyce planned everything. I just love being able to enjoy a field trip without the work of planning it.

little girls in Amish buggy

Amish collie

Regina and cart wheel

Learning sign language with Sandra. These are some of my favorite moments. She’s a good teacher, expressive and fun and full of laughter. I savor that.

Sandra sign language

We have this moment to hold in our hands
And to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand.
Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come,
But we have this moment today.

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