Comments on: I Met An Old Lady Movement, Color, Sound, Story Sat, 16 May 2020 21:24:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Forgotten - Lucinda J Kinsinger Sat, 16 May 2020 20:48:41 +0000 […] my old lady friend Char died–my best friend at that time, who lived for my visits–I had two horrible dreams in which she was dying in a nursing home, […]

By: Jessica Barten-Sonnenberg Tue, 25 Feb 2014 18:22:42 +0000 Luci, this was great. You explained Aunt Char beautifully. Thanks so much for sharing!

By: naomi Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:30:55 +0000 May the third time be the charm.

Lucinda J. Miller is a genius. I want to read a book or published short stories. She can give meaning and understanding to the lives of those in Middle America.

I wrote long comments on the content of the post. They disappeared in a cloud or something.

Summary. Charlene was blessed to have such a TRUE friend.


By: Kelly Tue, 25 Feb 2014 01:39:34 +0000 Aunt Char was a beautiful person. Endless love for her family and the spunkiest person I have EVER known. In our Father’s house I will see her again one day.

By: Eileen Tue, 25 Feb 2014 01:31:38 +0000 wonderful poem Luci! –Eileen

By: Meghan Hebard Tue, 25 Feb 2014 00:35:05 +0000 Charlene was my husband’s aunt. She is my Mother-in-Law’s sister. We live in California so I only met her maybe 3 times. My mother-in-law gave me a pair of Char’s moccasins. I have them in my office and am going to print out this story and put it next to them. She was a really neat lady. I love your story & I’m really glad she had you for a friend.

By: Amber Mon, 24 Feb 2014 20:01:35 +0000 Beautiful and perfectly written. Definitely the truth about my Aunt Char. I know some of the reasons behind her “contradictions” she and I spent a lot of time together when I was younger. You just have to figure it out for yourself sometimes; when the answers are there she didn’t feel she needed to explain herself. I’m very happy she had someone like you by her side, especially when she most needed it.

By: Kathy zimmerman Mon, 24 Feb 2014 18:20:37 +0000 like reading your posts….especially enjoyed this one. Keep up your writing! I know you will;);)

By: Marlene Graber Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:35:46 +0000 Ah, Luci, I just found your blog a week ago, and a good find it is! This post, especially, touched a really tender part of me. I grew up loving “the tribe”, many parts and people of it. I also went to a powwow with some little friends, all dressed up in native garb and dancing first graceful, then stomping wildly, by turns. When you called your friend Charlene, I tho’t I’d found my Charlene! She would walk down the halls at school, her arm around me, and then would nuzzle my cheek when we’d part for our own classes. How could I help but return that love? But yours is not my Charlene, because mine was a little younger than me. They are really a “study in contrasts”, loyal in love and fierce in anger, so intriguing. And then, for me, there was Lois, Bill, Moose, Boe, Autumn, Ricky, Jeannie, Jacque… we whites were about 5 out of 30 in our country grade school. And even after we were married and living in Northwoods Beach, we had little friends “stealing” into our house, and I’d find a little boy standing quietly beside me, watching me knead bread dough, and wishing his mommy would carefully cook for him… I guess I’ll always love that brown skin! Thanks for digging up those memories for me!
