Comments on: Life’s Hard Lessons: As Learned through my Parents’ Marriage Struggles Movement, Color, Sound, Story Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:21:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucinda J. Kinsinger Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:21:21 +0000 In reply to Angela Enyart.

“Broken can’t always be fixed in this life, I’m realizing, but with God, there is mercy.”
What a beautiful testimony. Today is dreary and my heart like yours is sad at some of the things in life that went wrong. But I look at the bright spots of color, the sunflowers bending above my garden, and thank God.

By: Angela Enyart Thu, 28 Oct 2021 12:31:41 +0000 My story is unfolding as we speak. I grew up in a Mennonite home, but we were excommunicated when I was 11. There are many valuable lessons I learned from my parents, such as walking in whole-hearted obedience to God, even when it hurts, but there was emotional abuse in our home that I did not recognize until recently, which conditioned me to think it was normal in my own home. Sadly, I’ve even been guilty of emotionally abusing my own children, and am now on a long journey to relearn how to think, to learn what normal is supposed to look like, to break life long habits, and recover from a destructive marriage. I am still working for restoration in our marriage, but it is looking more and more like that won’t be possible, which breaks my heart. It has also been heart-breaking and alarming to experience the misunderstandings, blame, accusations, and sharp words that has come from my pastor at a time like this. I think our story could have been so different if he had responded a bit more like Conrad’s church leadership did, even though the issues are very different. But on a brighter note, I see God’s hand in beginning to restore my relationship with my estranged 16 year old. Broken can’t always be fixed in this life, I’m realizing, but with God, there is mercy, and He walks through it with us, bringing healing one step at a time. I pray one day I will be able to look back and see Him bringing beauty out of these ashes.

By: I Am One of You - Lucinda J Kinsinger Sat, 19 Dec 2020 13:59:13 +0000 […] You can read of his heartbreak as a young boy over his parents’ marriage struggles in “Life’s Hard Lessons: As Learned through my Parent’s Marriage Struggles,” and about his mental breakdown and healing in “Life’s Hard Lessons: As Learned […]

By: Life's Hard Lessons: As Learned Through My Mental Breakdown - Lucinda J Kinsinger Fri, 15 May 2020 22:43:09 +0000 […] week, Conrad shared Life’s Hard Lessons: As Learned through my Parents’ Marriage Struggles. This week, we hear more of his […]

By: Crystal Bourassa Sat, 20 Jul 2019 15:52:48 +0000 Most excellent advice. Thanks for sharing your writing and the lessons you learned from your parents. Wise words indeed.

By: Janette Mon, 21 Jan 2019 16:58:47 +0000 I think Conrad was so blessed to have such a wonderful caring church community and parents who were so willing to work through their problems and think of the repercussion of their actions on their children. This is mostly not the case in today’s modern world. I would love to see this message reach the wider community. Thank you for your wonderful blog Lucinda I look forward to hearing and learning from your inspirations.
Take care and God bless

By: Twila Smucker Mon, 21 Jan 2019 05:26:40 +0000 It is so good to read a story that was redemptive and had church people who cared. I just listened yesterday to a story of a friend’s marriage that fell apart and the lack of understanding and support given in this case was simply appalling. People can be so cruel with hurting people. And her story didn’t end as happily as this one. So much sadness after hearing her out.

By: Tabitha Thu, 17 Jan 2019 02:01:44 +0000 Wow! It’s powerful to see you find good in tough times. It was also helpful getting your perspective since I’m frequently relating to people with struggling family relationships and am not always sure how my words and actions come across.

By: Lucinda Miller Wed, 16 Jan 2019 23:22:26 +0000 In reply to authoramandafarmer.

Conrad says: I look forward to reading your story. We too know the pain of a marriage that never did heal – my wife’s dad left home and the church when she was three, which is another whole story that should be written. Thanks for your kind comments.

By: authoramandafarmer Wed, 16 Jan 2019 14:19:49 +0000 Your story at least has a happy ending and the church’s discipline was “effective.” For me, the church’s discipline of my parents basically left us feeling like we didn’t fit in and shamed. So for a different Mennonite story, feel free to read my life’s story in “If You Leave This Farm” and “No Longer a Child of Promise.” As in your disclaimer, the one thing I have learned is different participants in a story can have a totally different perspective and “remembering” of events than the person sharing the story. This can also make hard feelings in a situation and lead to accusations of untruthfulness.
The writer offers excellent points for others to ponder in his sharing. I could relate to all of them.
