Comments on: I Learned Life-ing from my Dad Movement, Color, Sound, Story Sat, 16 May 2020 21:14:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Luci Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:01:53 +0000 So beautiful. Tears. You are my twin in more than our names. Except I don’t make lists anymore. But there are so many days when I quietly slog along in desperation and rate myself low for how little gets done….instead of truly life-ing. Today I lay on the lawn and gazed at yellow leaves in the sunshine and felt renewed. p.s. I l.o.v.e. your cow descriptions. That’s where I first felt strong kinship in this post.

By: Gertrude Miller Slabach Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:18:25 +0000 Luci, at a writers conference I attended, we were told: “Write about what you know best.” You’ve done just that in this blog. Good writing!

By: KLM Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:02:42 +0000 EXCELLENT, Lucy! So well put! Thanks for the “llamada de atenciĆ³n” (call of attention). We all need to remember this! Thanks again!

By: Naomi Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:40:20 +0000 This post is superlative. A summary of life in the slow lane that struggles with the other world of deadlines. How odd to live in both.

By: Kerra Troyer Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:14:33 +0000 I have a huge list of things to do right this minute, but I decided to sit in my rocking chair with my baby and read this post, too. Glad I did! Thanks for helping me refocus a bit.

By: sweaters4u Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:57:12 +0000 Luci, this is one of the best in my opinion. Thanks for writing. I love it. Kim
