Comments on: In Boston with a Question on my Mind Movement, Color, Sound, Story Fri, 15 May 2020 22:56:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucinda Miller Sat, 08 Sep 2018 10:50:24 +0000 In reply to Athanasia.

Many of the houses in this area of Boston are historic and interesting. It is a beautiful area! And there is no alone like fields or trees or my bedroom…but there are rooms here and there at the college in which I can sequester my self. And I often have my devotions at the park beside the river. I am not exactly alone, since there are many people walking or jogging by, but there is space and green things around me, and no one pays attention to me, so it feels mostly alone.

I haven’t been to Cambridge yet. I hope to visit all the areas of Boston and really get to know this city. Thank you for the recommendation! I am trying to collect different favorites from different people to find out a few must-do’s while I am here.

By: Athanasia Thu, 06 Sep 2018 16:21:15 +0000 Lucinda, I trust all is going well with the beginning of college. The house looks historic and interesting. To be alone? Maybe you will need a prayer closet…do have room in your closet? I am sure though with time you will tune out the crowds and find some peace and quiet.

My older son and his wife were out there 2 weekends ago for a wedding of a friend in Cambridge. They tried to get as much sightseeing in as they could and history. Don’t forget a stop at Italian bakeries…delicious.

By: notonesparrowblog Thu, 06 Sep 2018 14:25:57 +0000 In reply to notonesparrowblog.

Clarification: Uncomplicated *NOT like we humans tend to make things. We can tend to make thing complicated;)

By: notonesparrowblog Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:20:12 +0000 Simple faith is just that. Trusting like a child.
I see it standing out alone- tall, strong, and beautiful against the sky. (kinda like the one pic above in you blog:) Something that can be embraced. Within reach. Something that God will give and not withhold from anyone who asks. Uncomplicated like we humans tend to make things. Walking with Jesus today so that I long to live with Him tomorrow.

By: Tom Wed, 05 Sep 2018 04:56:26 +0000 Faith is, at least in part, trusting God to do whatever we can’t for His glory. Faith is not merely a head knowledge of God’s sovereignty. Rather it is a Holy Spirit perfected head knowledge. Faith is an attitude to which the Holy Spirit has born witness that its possessor is a child of God.
For me faith started with knowledge that God desires and will provide the best. That knowledge came closer to faith when personal experience proved to me that God answers prayer. I don’t think that that incredibly safe (though often seemingly reckless) attitude of “I’ll do absolutely whatever you say, Lord, when you say it” comes w/o the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. While I have been made week in some areas, thus God’s grace being made perfect in unspecified areas, there are many areas where I am still too strong.
As far as teaching faith, we can only do our best. Our best is a three fold process; doing what God has given us the ability to do, asking Him to take care of the rest, and trusting Him to do just that.
There have been times when I did all three parts of my best and I still wasn’t seeing the situation work out. In those times I’ve nearly always been blessed to be able to look back and see God working everything out. I don’t have confidence that during my life I will always be able to do this, however, I do have confidence that it will/did work out and that one day it won’t matter anymore.

By: Patricia wiens Wed, 05 Sep 2018 03:15:21 +0000 Child like faith, that is all. Let us find it!

By: Linda Wed, 05 Sep 2018 00:19:42 +0000 A Simple Faith: I always ask myself, How would I live ‘faith’ if I lived all alone in an isolated place?. The answer I most often come up with is this: 1. Read the bible…meditate on it…and live out the heart of it (to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbour as yourself’) in the truest, purest way I understood. To grasp the concept that I am loved. I have to work from this base. I can’t love others until I love myself, believing I am lovable, loved by God and created to love in return. If that means being kind, gentle, respectful and loving to any form of life that crossed my path, in the absence of people, then that is what I would do. Living out Christ within me. I believe that would be enough.

By: Lovina Baer Wed, 05 Sep 2018 00:16:08 +0000 Simple faith doesn’t mean it is always easy. Giving my children a simple faith to live by means I need a heart relationship with my Father. It means I measure the success of each day by the seeds I sow, not by the harvest I reap. It means looking beyond the surface and finding meaning in the ordinary things, like planting a garden, and talking about the soil of our hearts. It means every day should be embraced with joy and surrender, and lived with purpose. It means trusting the grace of Jesus is greater than my failures and perfections.It means that I see my children as equal parts responsibility and privilege. It means looking for advice from the deep, quiet waters, not from the noisiest sources. Every word of this is self-preaching!

By: Amy Tue, 04 Sep 2018 14:04:29 +0000 Simple faith. It’s clinging to Jesus. Read and study Jesus in the gospels. In the Gospels it tells about the Holy Spirit available to believers. Staying right their under Jeuss’ Words and the Holy Spirit in your life simplifies everything. It just makes me grounded and at peace. And it’s a bottomless well of knowing. A peace beyond comprehension! And God designed us all individually. So we each get to be drawn and cared for individually! Our very own experience that we can also share together with other believers. An amazing simple crazy love!

By: marianbeaman Tue, 04 Sep 2018 12:25:34 +0000 Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Simple, childlike faith . . .
