Lucinda J Kinsinger

If you Receive My Blog posts by email, Answer this Question

After my recent post about my father-in-law and his death, a reader who receives posts by email contacted me to let me know she couldn’t see any of the photos. She never has been able to for my blog, she said, even though she can see photos from others who send them via email.

Is this the case for you?

If you have trouble viewing photos some or all the time, reply to this email and let me know. I want to look into changing something about the way I send emails to make the photos visible to everyone. I’m not sure what that something is, but I will try.

Thank you!

39 thoughts on “If you Receive My Blog posts by email, Answer this Question”

  1. I can sometimes. Last time I could not until I went off the email and went on your blog. That has happened different times

  2. I am able to see the photos posted on your blog that I receive via email. I enjoy your writing and sharing about life. I was especially happy to learn of your marriage and the birth of Annelise. I married later in life (28) and had the privilege of birthing 3 sons. Such miracles of God’s grace!

  3. I usually switch over to the blog so I can see the photos. My sympathy in your loss . Brought back so many memories of my father who lived with dementia the last few years of his life

  4. Your pictures have always come through just fine on email and blog posts. In fact, I always enjoy the pictures!

  5. Esther Mae Wadel

    Yes I have had trouble seeing your photos I have to open the post in my browser to see them. This only happened recently before that I had no problem.
    God Bless

  6. Esther Mae Wadel

    I can see the pictures. I don’t know you and I am not a writer but I enjoy reading your blog/ email. I love your writing style! ~Chris

  7. Janette Riccardi

    Yes I have had trouble seeing your photos as well. I have only been able to see them by opening the email in my browser. This has only happened recently.
    God Bless

  8. Hello. I see all your photos and your tribute to your father-in-law was wonderful. I greatly enjoy your blog.

  9. Deepest condolences on your loss.🙏
    No problem thus far in viewing the pictures. Truly your posts and pictures are a blessing and I look forward to them.
    God bless you and your family.🙏

  10. I couldn’t either so I viewed them on your web page. Hope it’s not hard to resolve.


  11. I love your blog and can see your photos just fine. Judith Landis
    PS I also love your column in Anabaptist World which is how I got introduced to your blog

  12. Dorcas Gingerich

    I enjoy your blog Lucy! I typically read your blogs via email and have no problem seeing the pics …

  13. In the recent blogs, I have been able to see all the pictures. I recall there were some times further back when I was unable to see pictures. I don’t know what has changed..didn’t think it was my phone, but who knows. Thanks for blogging!

  14. It is most likely because of a recent iPhone update.
    Get someone to help you change your privacy settings to something less restrictive, and then photos will load fine. I had the same issue on my iPhone, changed the privacy settings back a little, and all was fine.
    By email on my computer, it always has been fine.
    Thanks for writing Luci.

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