Lucinda J Kinsinger

I Am Back

Dear blog readers,

Ivan and I are back from our honeymoon. The house is still piled with my belongings, hauled all the way from Wisconsin, as well as a few leftover wedding gifts that haven’t found a home. I am slowly but surely getting things put away.

While we were gone, I published “Our Love Story.

I also published a guest post from my friend and Jewish author Shel Pais. The post is called “Fate of the Arrow: What Can One Book Teach You About Knights, Jews, and Discrimination in the Middle Ages?”

Sadly, my automated email malfunctioned over that time so you, my email followers, received no notification of those posts. The sole purpose of this post is to inform you of those and to give you the opportunity to enjoy them. Read them by visiting the links above.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

-Mrs. Lucinda J. Kinsinger

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