Lucinda J Kinsinger

Give Me Your Feedback (And Get a Discount on my Upcoming Book)

In general, I am not much of a social media person, but I do love my blog. I found an audience through my blog. I found courage. I found writing opportunities. I found a husband.

I’ve been wondering how to make my blog better. I know I want to be more consistent in the days and times I post, and I’ve made a New Year’s commitment to post every Thursday, no matter what. Even if it’s only a few sentences.

Beyond that, I wonder about you, my readers? Who are you? What are the subjects you most enjoy reading about? What helps you from my blog and what would you be happy to do without? What can I write and share that only I can give?

I’ve created a survey called “Blog Readers Unveiled” and would very much appreciate if you take the time to fill it out. As a way of saying thank you to those who do, I’ve asked my publisher to offer a 10% launch day discount of Turtle Heart to everyone who completes the survey. (I’ll send you an Amazon discount code near the time of the book’s launch.)

Just as a way to tickle your interest, here’s what a few beta readers have said about Turtle Heart:

“Delightful and engaging, Turtle Heart held my attention throughout. Lucinda is honest and perceptive and connects with the reader on many levels. She is unafraid to address topics that are both difficult and complex, especially in the context of Mennonite culture.” —Katrina Hoover Lee, author of Blue Christmas, Shatterproof, and Captain Garrison

“This is a story of old and young, of broken barriers and fierce love, of friendship, and pain. This a winsome story of two brave hearts that come together, both of them needy, both of them strong. In it you feel the cold and bleakness of a winter day in Wisconsin and the groaning need of all humanity. In the next moment you feel warmth and light and joy. This is a redemptive story of questions with answers found only in the grace of Jesus.” —Luci Martin, blogger at Three Green Doors

“In the clarity of her vision, the unusual insight and presence, the depth of observation and awareness, everything in Lucinda’s honest account of her friendship with Char speaks of awakening—awakening through the process of loving someone. In describing her relationship with an old, unfulfilled Indian woman, Luci’s quiet, powerful story has awakened and fulfilled an old piece of my own heart. Turtle Heart is a uniquely beautiful book and a rare treasure.” —Mick Silva, writing coach and editor at Zondervan Books


P.S. Don’t let the survey title scare you. It’s a short survey, and most answers are optional, except your email address, which I will need to send you the discount information. And even if you don’t plan to buy Turtle Heart, fill out the survey anyway. I value your input.

If you are unable to access the survey through the link above, email me at with SURVEY in the subject line. I will send you your own copy.

What do you think?

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