Lucinda J Kinsinger


When I sit in my chair
Comfortable like a familiar hug
And drink coffee in the morning.
I watch the cars drive past my window
I think about how in the summer
The corn will be tall
Hiding me from everything
Cool, rustling leaves
With the full scent of growth
I long to be hidden.


Lavina Martin is my sister from another mister. She’s funny and smart; she likes to read and write; and if you’re lucky enough to have her for a friend, she’s the most loyal friend you ever will know. She shared this poem on her Facebook status and gave me permission to share it with you.

4 thoughts on “H I D D E N”

  1. I enjoyed this poem. There are times when I want to be hidden too. Not because I don’t like people but because I like being by myself and spending that hidden time with the Lord.

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