Lucinda J Kinsinger

Good’s New Online Store: A Review and Coupon Code

If you’re a Mennonite, or if you grew up in Pennsylvania, you’ve probably heard of Good’s Store. With stores located in four Pennsylvania towns, it’s sometimes called the “Mennonite Wal-mart,” because it carries all the types of items that Mennonites like to buy: canning jars; black hats; sturdy tennis shoes in subdued colors; wrinkle-free Tropical Breeze fabric in vibrant colors; and many other items that are useful or delightful to families of every background.

If you’re like me and live up in the wilds of Wisconsin, far away from the Mennonite hub, some of those particularly Mennonite-flavored items are things you wish you had easy access to at times. Slips, for instance. Although I’ve checked several times over the last couple of months for what to me is a basic necessity—a full-length slip—our Wal-Mart doesn’t carry even a half-length one.

That’s why I was delighted when I received an email from Susan Burkholder, who works at Good’s, asking if I would review their new web store in exchange for a coupon. Would I be interested in getting a discount on those slips I needed so badly? Absolutely!

I found their new web site attractive and well put together. I do not like a website that hurls ads and email-sign ups at me every time I click onto a new page, and Good’s did not. Rather, my experience there felt clean and restful.

I found exactly the high quality, full-length slips I needed for what I consider a very good price, and was able to easily choose my size from the drop down menu. In addition, I ordered Amish-made, stainless steel hairpins—another item not available at Wal-Mart. I ordered the uncoated, straight variety, rather than the crinkled variety. The only hairpins pictured on the web page were the crinkled ones, and I wished all the types were pictured, so I could be certain I was ordering the correct item—but when the hairpins came in the mail several days later, they were exactly what I had hoped. Perhaps Good’s will include more specific pictures of small items like hairpins as their web site matures. I did note that all varieties and colors of larger clothing items, such as fabric and shirts, are pictured.

While I was online, I browsed some of the items Good’s has available on their web store. They have a large fabric selection, including the Tropical Breeze fabric I mentioned earlier. They also have a nice selection of items for men, including heavy duty work jackets, durable jeans, long-sleeved dress shirts and plaid shirts, and cowboy boots. Children will love their toys, including Beanie Boos, tricky dogs like the ones that used to fascinate me during sit-still church time, beautifully-chiseled Breyer horses, and a sturdy wooden marble racetrack that reminds me of the marble roller Dad made when I was young. We children spent hours rolling marbles down its wooden track, but we would have found even more entertainment in this one, which has two grooves side by side so you can actually race your marbles.

I made my order from Good’s late Monday night, received confirmation that my order had been shipped before noon the following day, and found the package waiting for me when I returned home from town Thursday afternoon. I was surprised and pleased with the very prompt delivery.

Good’s is offering my blog readers a special ten percent discount from now until February 10. Visit this hyperlink to use it: Or simply visit Good’s web store from any portal and enter LUCIBLOG as your discount code when you get to checkout.

Whatever your order, judging by the quality of the product and the prompt service I received, you won’t be disappointed with your purchase!


I was given a discount to review Good’s web store, but all opinions offered here are my own. Feature photo was taken from the Good’s web store About Us page.

5 thoughts on “Good’s New Online Store: A Review and Coupon Code”

  1. Ordering from Good’s was on my to do list yesterday and I didn’t get it done. Yay for coupons! 👏🏼

    1. Oops, I didn’t mean to not introduce myself. I don’t know if I’ve commented here before. I enjoy your blog and like you for the fact that you live in Wisconsin and grew up on a dairy farm. So did I. I’ve been married and living in OK for 10 years but the rest of my family is still in Hillsboro! In fact, I think my folks visited your church sometime in the last year. And my mother-in-law is best friends with (Vernon’s) Kim. How’s that for a little dose of the Mennonite game. 🙈 ~Katrina (Oberholtzer) Martin

  2. I have been away from Lancaster County, PA for too long and haven’t heard of Good’s Store. The New Holland or Ephrata store would be most convenient when I visit relatives.

    As for slips, I wish I could “slip” them out of my dresser drawer and give them to YOU. They date back years when I was a smaller size, lacy half and full-length slips but they still have good wear in them. In Florida, slips don’t seem necessary. I’ve toyed with the idea of doing a nostalgic blog post about such items, but have resisted because it seems a little intimate though most of my readers are women.

    You are doing your readers and the store a fine service here. Thanks, Luci!

  3. When I grew up Mennonite in PA, I don’t think Good’s was around, but I’ve been to it when back there visiting.

  4. Katrina, that was quite the plug you put in about me and my bestie. LOL. I’m going to put a plug in for my son-in-law Adam Lattin who happens to be one of the managers at Good’s in Schaefferstown, PA. If anyone wants to meet an awesome guy…go to Good’s and ask for Adam. :) Yes, I like their products too. ~Kim

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