Lucinda J Kinsinger

For this We are Made

First, the big news. For those of you who didn’t see this on social media already…I am expecting. Behold, my official announcement:

Coming December 2023!

Isn’t it odd how we say, “I am expecting.” Expecting what, I wonder? Expecting joy, certainly. Laughter, love, a playmate for Annalise. Expecting more writing interruptions, less sleep, less predictability in life. Expecting a changing routine, adjustments, spiritual growth, growing maturity. More love…or did I mention that?

So much excitement lies within a womb. And how odd, how uncharacteristic of humans, that we would choose willingly–and not just choose, but try for–greater inconvenience, more giving up of self, more focus on someone else’s needs above our own. And knowing the risks involved too–our own inadequacy for the task, the potential for disappointment, the potential for hurt.

I guess it’s love that we’re reaching for. We are made to give and receive it and most truly live where love is wide and long and deep.

Not only parents make these sacrifices. You do, too, whoever you be that sacrifices for friendship or ministry or to give aid in the way that you can. You, too, experience the risk, the sometimes disappointment, the feeling of inadequacy for the task.

Still. Would you do any differently? Probably not. You can learn wisdom. Rest. Taking care of your own needs as well as of others. But still you must give.

For this we are made.

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