Lucinda J Kinsinger

Family Baby Shower

When I friend of mine told me about the baby shower held for her grandson, a shower where both men and women were invited, I thought, Of course! No reason at all why the daddy shouldn’t be there–and how fun to have the guys! One of those simple and revolutionary ideas you wonder you never thought of yourself.

Inspired, Mom and I planned a small family shower for my two sisters who are expecting–a surprise shower. Mom invited the married sisters with their families for Sunday lunch, and then, without the knowledge of the two families expecting babies, we planned the shower. Elizabeth took care of the decorations, Mom made the refreshments, and I planned the games.

The table:

baby shower

The cake:

the cake

The happy mamas to be:

Dora and Jennie
Dora and Jennie

After lunch, the gifts were opened.

Dora and Jerrold
Dora and Jerrold
Madison helping her mom
Madison helping her mom

Then we played games. First, a game of draw the baby. The only twist: you had to draw with the paper on top of your head, and bring your pen down to your lap between every step. The result was babies with heads, eyes, and limbs all over the page.

Here are the three finalists:

Three Finalists

And the winner:

The winner

Next we played a baby food taste-and-guess game, at which the guys seemed queasy. Jennie’s husband, Jeff, said the green beans tasted like puke, and Benny, one of my brothers, said he felt like throwing up. Eight-year-old MacKenzie was grossed out, too.

MacKenzie takes a taste
MacKenzie takes a taste

We had a bottle-drinking race:

bottle drinking race

Then we bobbed for baby toys and pacifiers (like bobbing for apples).

Finally, we did a super mommy relay. In this game the “super mommy” must simultaneously cradle a baby, talk on the phone, and hang an item of baby clothing on the line. A definite builder of parenting skills.

Jeff Z.
Jeff Z.

What fun! I would recommend a family baby shower, or a larger mixed group shower, to anyone.

2 thoughts on “Family Baby Shower”

  1. Oh how much fun! I can’t wait until I have an excuse to plan a baby shower in my family (hope my sis is not reading this because I don’t want to give pressure.) I can see my brothers being good sports with these games!

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