Lucinda J Kinsinger

In Which I Emerge, Blinking, From a Cave

So where have I been the past two weeks?

Writing, that’s where.

And I am proud to announce that Anything But Simple: My Life as a Mennonite is done written! For now, anyway. I am sure there will be changes to make after my editor gets it.

The book is coming out in July.

Here is a picture of the cover as designed so far:

“Mennonites are complicated,” my friend said, after reading my finished draft.

Yup. That was kind of the point.

And one of my sisters said it would be interesting if EACH of the eight children in my family wrote their perspective of our childhood. We would each have such different memories and perceptions. Similar in many ways and yet diverse–like human experience itself.

“It’s like we each create our own reality,” I said. And she agreed.

A big thank you to the parents at my little school who gave me a couple extra days off from teaching to finish the book. I would have never gotten done in time, otherwise.

I’m realizing more and more that anything and everything I accomplish in life is a joint effort of many. So “Thank you” to every person who has encouraged or supported me in my writing journey, in one way or another.

I appreciate you! I could never do this alone.

27 thoughts on “In Which I Emerge, Blinking, From a Cave”

    [don’t usually use all caps but this is worth it!!!]
    And the COVER!!!!!

    1. It went fast! Six months to write. Six more months to publication. That’s the kind of making time I like.

  2. Yeah! God is so good :) I’m sure this will be a fun book for those who are wanting to look into the Mennonite world. Way to MAKE TIME for the words, Luci! Many blessings on the book as it goes to publishing (and to you as it gets picked apart by editors ;).

  3. Oooohhh. So glad to hear that you are done. I’ve been waiting for this post the last few weeks and imagining the agonies you’ve been going through to get to this point. Love the cover and can’t wait for July.

    1. Thank you Gina. You were thinking of and sympathizing with me as I wrote! That makes me feel cared for, indeed.

  4. Well, Luci, your gestation period certainly beats mine. Like your other readers, I say Wow too. Wow for your quick turn around time, approximately a year. And wow for the cover, which reveals your womanhood as much as your Mennonite heritage. It’s interesting that the blurb for my gravatar and blog is “Former plain girl in search of the simple life.” We both know that simple does not equate to easy.

    Congrats, I’m so proud of you!

  5. Lucinda! I am SO excited for you!!! What a wonderful accomplishment. The cover and title are both stunning, and make me so eager to read the book.

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