Lucinda J Kinsinger

Drivin’ with Ivan (and other fun things)

I have been doing a lot of riding along with Ivan recently. On the tractor (spring fieldwork is just starting), delivering hay, picking up or dropping off farm machinery for a local dealer. It gets me out of the house and gives me time with my husband I wouldn’t get otherwise. I admit to getting a little glaze-eyed and grumpy on a recent two-day stretch, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. Drivin’ with Ivan is good.

Here’s a pretty interesting load we hauled recently.

We’ve also done a few other fun things, the kind of things that fall through the cracks and don’t get talked about, but are so precious in a life.

Like a trip to Blackwater Falls…

The silly selfie.
Love how I just fit under his hat.
A cookie picnic in a “cave.”

Prime time on the bales…

…And collecting honey from last year’s hive. (I didn’t actually help with that. I just took the picture afterward and felt as proud as if I had.) We just got a new swarm and introduced them to their hive during an unexpected cold snap. Ivan says so far he’s been a bee loser instead of a bee keeper, since the swarms from the last two years died out…so keep your fingers crossed.

I never intended to marry a farmer, but I gotta admit…

Life with a farmer is good.

15 thoughts on “Drivin’ with Ivan (and other fun things)”

  1. Well at one point in my life, I would have said that I will never marry a farmer. But I don’t say that anymore. I am renting from a farmer and his wife and I think a farm is such an ideal place to raise boys.โ˜บ๏ธ

    That being said, I still don’t care if I never learn how to milk a cow.โ˜บ๏ธ

    1. I grew up on a dairy farm, and I agree with the milking cow sentiment. Thankfully, I married a crop farmer. :)

  2. In your writing about marriage and your current setting, there is a sense of coming home. I am so grateful that God directed your heart to this person and his place.
    Also, the second photo reminds me of Wisconsin. The third most certainly doesn’t. Maybe that’s symbolic–your life still has bits of Wisconsin in it while being something entirely new.

  3. oh my word, I love that you’ve had this time together. It looks like you’ve been driving through some gorgeous areas, especially since they are just coming into being since its Spring. Love seeing you smiling together and having a picnic :) so thankful for you sharing the little things that might otherwise might fall through the cracks.

  4. Same here! I never wanted to marry a farmer! He wasn’t exactly farming at the time we married, but had some sheep yet at his parents’ farm (which he soon got rid of), so I thought I was “safe”, ๐Ÿ˜‚ Fast forward a number of years and here we are! He is farming land for his grandpa and getting back into raising sheep! Our first lambing season is nigh upon us! He also has a day job as a truck mechanic. I am married to a good man, he works hard, he takes time for his family, so all is well๐Ÿ™‚

    1. So it goes. :) Raising sheep sounds fun, though. I’ve always loved little lambs. Ivan is a crop farmer, and I can live with that kind of farming just fine. I actually love it.

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