Lucinda J Kinsinger

Crystal Moments

Eight days until Ivan arrives.

Twelve days until my marriage.

Eighty-two items so far on my list of one thousand gifts.

They are like poetry, these gifts: moments dropped like molten crystal, arrested—by mere attention!—a brilliant, sparkling pendant. If I had not seen them, these moments would be nothing special. But I saw them, noticed them, and because I loved them, they are real.

1 Deqo, my sister from another mother.

3. Jaxson, his bright face and big imagination.

11. Madison, her sturdy sweetness.

14. Meeting Lavina and Liz, waving and smiling as they passed.

15. Saying hello to Grace and Valerie in the Walmart parking lot.

16. Grandma prays for me.

18. My heavenly Father who hears prayer.

19. A walk with Liz beside the corn.

26. A moment at my desk in a quiet room.

26. Tears.

29. That green vase with white baby’s breath against the window.

30. A soft pillow behind my back as I lean on the couch.

35. Dad how he fixes things, laid heavy books on the books that came rumpled and damp in the mail until they were flattened again. He used to fix things for me when I was little, too. So many times he’s fixed my heart.

40. An almost husband who loves me true.

42. My socks with silver bicycles. They have been my favorites for a long time.

43. A place to cry alone.

50. Meatloaf with my parents, the soggy cracker texture of it and the film on the roof of my mouth. With ketchup.

51. A God who forgives.

52. A warm denim jacket I love.

54. The white light against the silhouetted teacups on a shelf.

62. Hair hanging soft.

63. The snip of Mom’s scissors in the kitchen.

64. Sunshine.

65. Ivan’s letters.

67. Apples, crisp and tart.

69. My toes, the cool on them, the wear in the bones of my feet.

70. The gurgle of a sink on a quiet morning.

71. The sun lying across the leaves in the lawn.

72. An audio book…Big Little Lies…that riveted me for hours.

73. My wedding dress, white and perfect. It took me hours and hours to make it, and looking at it makes me feel proud and excited.

75. My wrist twisted hard under my head.

76. Cold toes in bed.

77. Joy and excitement in my heart.


Feature photo by Kathy Zimmerman. 

5 thoughts on “Crystal Moments”

  1. I just love this, Luci! I started my gratitude list a number of years ago, after reading AV’s 1000 Gifts book, as well. The practice of recording these daily gifts has transformed my attitude toward life in general, not to mention deepened my relationship with the Giver. (I am at #8446 and I won’t be stopping the practice any time soon)
    I wish you all the best on your wedding day and in your marriage!!

  2. Patricia Wiens (Patty)

    Thank you so much for the time you use to post and the warm pictures you use for this blog. I really enjoy your writing style. We hope to see a picture of you in your wedding dress with your soon to be
    partner for life!!!

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