Lucinda J Kinsinger

Charlie Recommends Two Books about Sex, a Prayer Journal, and Candles

Does anyone remember Charlie? He’s my little travel buddy who once upon a time featured in posts I called my Six Week Roundups. Well, Charlie’s been around all this time, even though you haven’t heard from him. I decided recently to make him a regular feature on my blog, mostly because I like him and because I read books, go places, use products I’d really like to talk about. Charlie is a fun way of doing that. Get set for “Charlie Recommends” posts every six weeks or so. 

This month, Charlie recommends:

Two Books about Sex.

Sacred Sex by Tim Alan Gardner. I’ll be honest with you. I wasn’t much interested in sex before I dated and got married. I was intrigued by the idea of it, but since I wasn’t in a romantic relationship, I just concluded it wasn’t for me and didn’t explore a lot beyond that. When, a few months before our wedding, a friend/mentor asked me what I feared most about marriage, I admitted to her it was sex. She recommended this book, and I’m so glad she did because it is the single most helpful book I have read on the subject. Not because it told me how to have sex, but because it told me how to think about it. Other, more technical books took the fun out of it, made me focus on the mechanics of sex and worry I was doing it wrong. Sacred Sex gave me permission to explore, to enjoy, to release inhibitions and expectations and focus on oneness with my husband. Charlie and I highly recommend. 

Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage by Dr. Kevin Leman. I like this book mostly because it’s funny and because it’s not too high pressure. Like I already said, I don’t like books about sex that tell you exactly how you should perform and what you should be experiencing. Leman’s book, while more of a how-to than Sacred Sex, leaves room for individual differences and for finding what, as a couple, is uniquely you. Some of his tips are really helpful, and the story on page 79 is worth every penny. He includes lots of humorous anecdotes; not many books have made me laugh this hard.

A Prayer Journal.

Prayer Journal for Women by Shannon Roberts. What I love about this journal? It invites me to commune with God in a low-pressure, open-ended way that attracts without guilt-tripping. It features one verse a week, along with several questions that have served to get me thinking and to open my heart to God. Each week includes an attractive writing layout to be used for devotional journaling, highlights, praise, and prayer requests. My favorite? No dates! I can journal some days and not others without feeling like I’m backsliding. I also love the “Answered Prayer” section in the back that gives space to record your prayer request, the date you prayed it, and the date it was answered. This journal makes a great gift—I got mine from my sister for Christmas.


Friends of ours included a pack of battery-operated votives in the honeymoon basket they gave us, and they were the absolute perfect gift: easy to pack along when flying, easy to pull out for candle-lit romance in unknown motel rooms. We still love them when we want a romantic evening. 

Charlie and I also recommend lighting scented candles in the kitchen during meal times. It gives the house a cozy feel and—especially when one is just setting up shop—one needs all the cozy one can get.

And one more thing…

Looking for a fun place to hike and to view God’s beauty in Garrett County? Charlie and I recommend Swallow Falls State Park. Well, Charlie hasn’t actually been there, but I recommend it for him. I’ve been there twice, once with Ivan before we were married:

And more recently with some very good friends who came to visit me.

Until next time! Charlie

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