Lucinda J Kinsinger

Charlie Recommends: Short Reads, A New Blog, and a Couple of Intriguing YouTube Videos

So it’s been a busy six weeks for Charlie. In spite of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders (actually because of them), he’s been on the road more than usual. That’s because I’ve been riding along with Ivan more often when he delivers hay or farm equipment. We’ve even done a couple of out-of-state runs.

Joseph told his traitor-brothers, “What you meant for evil, God intended for good,” and that’s what I’d like to tell COVID-19 from Ivan and me. We are both independent people– more so because we remained single for so long–but our deepest desire for our relationship is to become one. COVID-19 is helping with that because it forced me to spend less time planning parties, attending conferences, doing ministry work, getting to know this community…and more time getting to know my husband.

Incidentally, Hebrew husbands were instructed to take the entire first YEAR of their marriage off work and devote it to their wives…so God obviously thinks it important to start a marriage on a strong foundation of togetherness. Our extra time together is a gift.

Now to Charlie’s recommendations for the month:

Short But Meaningful Reading

“A Dust Rag for Easter Eggs.” A friend sent me this short story about six children (otherwise known as the Gang-of-the-Cat-Who-Goes-Fishing) in post World War II Paris. I read it out loud to Ivan (and Charlie) while we were driving. An unfortunate aspect of reading aloud is that if you come to a place in the story that chokes you up a little, you have to control your voice lest you be caught crying over a children’s story that probably isn’t actually that sad. (I performed this admirably, and my listeners never suspected a thing.) Afterwards, I told Ivan, “I guess we have it pretty good, don’t we?” All those pandemic-related inconveniences we like to complain about? Compared to war-ravaged Europe during that period in history: yes, we have it pretty good.

“Find Ways to Serve” This blog post by Gina Martin blessed me this month. She lists ways she has found to serve others during COVID-19, and I realized, reading it, that I have turned into myself, found this pandemic a great excuse to focus on me and my needs rather than the needs of others. There are some good things about that, I think–such as strengthening my marriage–but a pandemic is not a good reason to ignore Jesus’ call to serve others. Gina’s post reminded me of that. (Can’t say that I’ve done a great job of following up–but still, it reminded me. I need that.)

Calling Out: Prayers for Those in Isolation. A friend of mine put together this book of 30 daily prayers for those in isolation, supplemented by beautiful photos and quotes. All proceeds go to help people negatively impacted by the pandemic.

A New Blog

Pursuing Our Purpose. Kinza Weaver contacted me several months ago and asked for blogging tips. She and a few of her teenage girlfriends wanted to start a blog for teenagers. I told her what I knew, and she asked around for advice from others…and let me tell you, I am super impressed with what they developed. I am long past my teens, but I will definitely be coming back to this website for recipes, DIY’s, beautiful photography, and encouraging words.

YouTube Videos I Love

M’n’M Sisters. So…my nieces started a YouTube channel. Naturally, I think it’s funny and cute, because they are my nieces. You may not be so biased, but still, check it out if you’re interested. Titles include: “25 Things to Do when Quarantined/Bored at Home,” “Sister Tag” and “Our Dogs Make Our Decisions for a Day!!!” Your pre-teens will probably love it, and it might inspire them to start their own channel (if that’s the sort of thing their parents encourage).

The Lion Sleeps Tonight – George David Weiss. This a cappella performance of one of my favorite songs by the Dagilelis Boys Choir is…what can I say? Amazing. And so much fun.

Wolf Creek Colony SD making masks for COVID-19. My sister shared this video of Hutterite women singing while they make masks. There is something beautiful about their hands all working together, perfectly illustrating the words of their song: “I’m Working the Road.” It represents all that is best about the Anabaptists….maybe especially so to me when I saw it because it contrasted so sharply with Gabriel Mazneff, whom I had just been reading about. I cried.

And the Charley of the Month…

Charlie loves his world map. It hangs on the wall of the living room just across from the couch where Ivan and I often sit, offering a perfect opportunity to dream of the places we want to go and to pray for the people who live there.

Until next time!


4 thoughts on “Charlie Recommends: Short Reads, A New Blog, and a Couple of Intriguing YouTube Videos”

  1. Thank you, Luci, for sharing these recommendations and your thoughts about them. It’s easy (?) to be a bit discouraged right now about this Covid-19 issue and so any encouragement you writers share is good. We need to hear, yes, we need to hear how we should be, and what we should be thinking. Let’s encourage each other in the Lord. Blessings!

    1. Lucinda Miller

      Yes, it is easy to be a bit discouraged now. I’m glad you were encouraged, Tina. Blessings!

  2. Bertha Metzler

    I always enjoy reading your blog…..thanks for the many other blogs and youtube video’s you listed.
    I especially enjoyed the one about the Wolf Creek Colony making masks and singing :) That was beautiful. I also enjoyed the “Lion sleeps tonight” by the boys choir :) I will check other links out that you mentioned later today.
    My husband is helping our grandson & his wife & 3 mo. old baby …load their U-hall to move on Monday. They are in their mid 20’s and are moving to Merritt Island, FL to serve 3 yrs with Teen Missions. They gave us our first great grandchild on Jan. 26. The grandparents both live in the Atmore area and this child will be greatly missed!! I will send you a picture (vie e-mail) of Brandon & Maddie & Darrell & Brandon’s parents (our son) Don & Phyllis Metzler taken on Easter day. Keep writing and take good care of your hubby & Charlie. Love Bertha

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