I largely agree with you, Brenna. People are rarely converted through “proof” or good arguments. People are capable of rejecting even the most well-reasoned propositions. It’s called choice. Humans are also deeply influenced by relationships. The best of arguments can hardly compete with hurt feelings.
However, I must say that Jesus’ resurrection, if believed, brings you right to the feet of the God of Abraham. And, it seems to me, there is plenty of historical evidence to reasonably believe that the tomb is empty.
]]>My husband and I were talking about this, too, Brenna. I guess faith is outside the realms of proof. The apostle Paul talks about holding fast the confidence of our “hope”, not our certainty. The definition Hebrews gives of faith is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
]]>Good questions. I have thought a lot about morality, too, as evidence of a good God. I have never known and could not imagine a person who doesn’t believe in absolute right and wrong or at least have a gut instinct for it. And where does that certainty come from if not planted there by God?
]]>I like this, Liz. I think the desire to control definitely has something to do with a demand for proof. Good thoughts.
]]>Thank you for this, Martha.
]]>I love that, Kathy.
]]>Thank you for this heartfelt answer, Arla. When I spoke of “expectations” I was referring to the expectation of life in a better place after death. I agree that proof is not something to try for in many areas of life… there are many things that are not in the realm of the physical and are not best understood in terms of “proof.” In the area of faith, I think it is reasonable and good to consider evidence, but to try to “prove” something not of this world is like comparing an apple to an orange.
]]>The thoughts you shared about contentment and joy in this moment being worth more than dreams… that sounds exactly like conclusions I have had. I think I can tell that we’re cousins. :)
]]>Thank you so much, Gertrude. ❤️
]]>That’s beautiful, Holly. Gives me shivers. Thank you.