Comments on: The Non-Power of Bunny Prayers Movement, Color, Sound, Story Sat, 16 May 2020 21:22:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: lucindaj Fri, 12 Sep 2014 03:35:56 +0000 In reply to Kelly.

That makes me feel so happy that you were helped by this! May God bless you richly and keep your faith in Him. So good to hear from you.

By: Kelly Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:13:35 +0000 You have no idea how much I needed to read this. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing! I was just sitting here beating myself up for praying for healing for someone and when it didn’t happen I kept thinking maybe I didn’t have enough faith or maybe I should have prayed longer. Then I came across your article and felt such grace from the Father while reading it. I felt like He said I had the faith to trust that He could do it and the fact that I put it in His hands made Him happy. Thanks again!

By: Kayla Weaver Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:34:30 +0000 Very thought provoking, Luci. And how many times do we stop to thank Him for answering before we call? There are many times where He answers would-be (or should-be) prayers before we even think to pray.

By: lucindaj Thu, 10 Apr 2014 02:45:33 +0000 In reply to Tiana.

Oh, yes, you are so right! I know God loves to hear all our prayers, big and small, because that’s the awesome kind of God He is. And I think there is a big difference between praying for a sign or a confirmation that you really need, or just praying to test God out.

By: Tiana Thu, 10 Apr 2014 01:40:18 +0000 But the cool thing about God is that He likes us to pray ‘bunny prayers’ every now and then :-)

By: sweaters4u Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:25:49 +0000 I have done the exact same thing before. So many of my prayers have been answered though. Like my prayer for a little sister. I remember one time we were coming home from somewhere, and we had a trailer hooked to the back of the van. The chain was dragging on the road and making a quite disturbing display of sparks. I told Dad about it, and then prayed that we would find a place to stop before anything caught on fire. We did. :-) That may seem silly to you, but it was really scary to me. I believe God answered my prayer. Thank you for, again, writing such beautiful posts that make me think about things. I Love You. Oh, and thanks for offering to let me take a nap with you. I should’ve done it. :-P :-) ~Lavina

By: Bob Mon, 07 Apr 2014 17:04:51 +0000 Hee Hee…….. I laughed so hard about Grandma how do you know God is real. lol I have sooooooooooooooo many prayers answered. I think the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me is a couple of times I was at a very low point. But I wasn’t sad or down and depressed. I was so very much at peace cause I knew beyond anything that he was going to change this thing in my life . I just knew it. Its hard to explain. It was like he just filled me with all this peace and contentment with no worry or fear and I just knew help was on the way. Having all those prayers answered to my disgrace I still worry and fret over things and why should I when I have witnessed so many things he has done for me in the past. So many it would take up a box full of note books to list them all. I think you are right tho maybe its not so much doubt but the fear of him saying NO! And many times it is no, thank goodness , for we don’t always understand what is really the best thing for us. Like say ohhh Lord if you would only let me win the Lottery. Well I know exactly what would happen to me if I did. I would totally forget about him, thinking I had no need of him now that money could buy anything I could ever possibly want. But it wouldn’t buy me his Love and his care. Or the peace and contentment that only he can give. The best times of my life are when I am struggling and it seems like everything is falling apart. For those times are when he is the closest to me and my dependance upon him grow ever more increasing. As he wants it to be. Through that I have learned to thank him, truly thank him for the troubles in my life. He is so wonderful and compassionate to us. Some think that is nuts, but I know if I didn’t have all those trials and tribulations, I would surely wonder off like your little bunny! God Bless ya Lucinda great read. :)

By: jennie z Mon, 07 Apr 2014 15:39:48 +0000 brought tears to my eyes. sometimes I think maybe i still pray those bunny prayers.

neat thought on God praying with us.

God has answered many prayers for me……in my little ungrateful mind I forget this far too often.

He has answered big prayers like a changed decision made by Jeff without me saying anything to him 1st about changing his mind.

He has answered little prayers like simple ideas on what to make for supper.

I think he is still working out some of my prayers…. maybe they will take years to unfold there answers.

By: sweaters4u Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:19:24 +0000 Another thought provoking post. I have often wondered how does a person explain the difference of real prayer and a bunny prayer to a child. I am sorry you lost your bunny though.

By: Anna Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:13:53 +0000 Thank you, I needed this reminder today! Love to read your writings. Anna
