Lucinda J Kinsinger


Why All Christians Should Support Obama

I move largely in circles of conservative Christians, and every conservative Christian I know is innately opposed to Obama and the Democratic platform. Among my circle of friends, the largest sources of discontent are ever-increasing government policies and government regulations, which are viewed as intrusive and socialistic. Running a close second is the Democratic support

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The Unknown Facts of Stuart and Edna’s Love Story

This is a Postscript. To get the full story, read The Only True Love of Stuart and Edna. ——————————————————————————————————————– This morning Dad told me some of the parts I didn’t know about the story of Stuart and Edna or that apparently didn’t register with me, quite. Entering his “non-retirement,” Stuart had a few hundred thousand dollars. Dad

The Unknown Facts of Stuart and Edna’s Love Story Read More »

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