Lucinda J Kinsinger

A Quick Picture Post at the End of the Day

This morning my heart was smitten to see my daughter standing on the little stool her daddy made for her, peering out the window in her jammies, teddy bear clasped in one arm.

Here are some other things that have given me joy lately:

The new-old granite-topped cabinet and setting hen Ivan and I purchased at the family auction. (More on the auction in a coming post.)

The orange roses growing alongside the house.

A daddy who takes time to play with, teach, and love his daughter.

A daughter who’s learning new things like eating with a spoon and walking. (She’s pretty bad at the former and pretty good at the latter.)

Fun summer moments with friends.

And oh, yes, books. Annalise insisted on looking at one this evening while I got her ready for bed. Pretty sure she’ll be a bookworm like her mama! And if that’s not something to rejoice over, I don’t know what is.

P.S. In case you haven’t heard, the winner of Out of the Shadows, which I reviewed recently, was Rosie Beiler. If you were hoping to win and didn’t, you can purchase the book for a very reasonable price on Amazon or Masthof.

1 thought on “A Quick Picture Post at the End of the Day”

  1. Read to her, and she’ll turn into a bookworm. Our children all were read to from little up, and as they learned to read for themselves, I held my breath, “Is this going to be the one that never does pick this up, and hates reading?” But six children are confirmed bookworms like their dad and I, and the seventh- I’ll be shocked if he’s not!

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