Lucinda J Kinsinger

Ivan and Lucinda Kinsinger image

A Photo, 2 Quotes, and One Amazing Story

My mind and heart are full right now, and when my mind and heart are full, I can write little. I must wait…wait to see what will happen, wait for developments. Pray for Ivan and me and our little one right now.

I will update you more on that later. For now, I want to share several things that inspired me this week: a photo, two quotes, and one amazing story.

A Photo

Last Friday, Ivan gave me a snowmobile ride on his brother’s snowmobile. The snow was piled high then, and the sun shone like gladness, like winter in the north where I grew up. No one in Garrett County is snowmobiling anymore because in the week since Friday, almost all of the snow has melted. But that snowmobile ride was perfect. (See photo at the top.)


The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.

Frederick Buechner (Thank you to my friend and co-worker Hannah for sharing this quote.)

I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.

James Baldwin (Thank you to author James Clear for sharing this quote in his email newsletter.)

An Amazing Story

Read this amazing story Ivan shared with me recently, published on the Asia Harvest website. The Lost Instrument – the Amazing Story of How God Reached a Forgotten Tribe in the Philippines

I was encouraged and inspired to hear of the way God worked behind the scenes in one culture’s legends and prophecies to point the way to the gospel. It reminded me of a book, titled Eternity in their Hearts, that holds many such stories. I wrote a review on that book several years ago. You can read that here: Eternity in their Hearts: A Review.

A Quick Reminder

Today is your last chance to enter your name in a giveaway for 5th-8th grade creative writing curriculum. I will close the giveaway and announce the winner Friday night. Read my review of the curriculum in last week’s post, and comment to participate in the giveaway.

6 thoughts on “A Photo, 2 Quotes, and One Amazing Story”

  1. Thanks for sharing that amazing story! I will add you and your little one to my daily prayers. Here’s a verse for you that comforted me when I was in the ER with v. tach.: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 15:13).

  2. I am praying for Ivan ,you and your little lamb God has so richly blessed you with, and for His hands of life be wrapped up around you as you await His will for your little family. So much love, prayers n virtual hugs being sent your way.

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