Comments on: A Baby, Spring Things, and A Question for You Movement, Color, Sound, Story Sun, 13 Jun 2021 08:01:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Sun, 13 Jun 2021 08:01:26 +0000 Your looking so lovely and happy Lucinda, I can’t wait to see your wee baby !! I loved the little video too :) Blessings to you ~ Linda

By: Marland Sat, 05 Jun 2021 12:06:30 +0000 Great photos!

By: Regina Shea Fri, 04 Jun 2021 15:18:35 +0000 ]]> Lucinda you look beautiful! Anyway, I agree with Mary Beth about contacting Katrina for advice or Dorcas Smucker. I think some authors have had a limited number of bloggers have a free digital copy to review. Some have done giveaways where a blogger will review a book and have a giveaway of the book they are reviewing. I love reading and would be happy to read your book. I love reading!πŸ™‚

By: Darla Thu, 03 Jun 2021 22:50:31 +0000 ❀]]> I don’t have any advice on how to market your book but I do know that your pregnant self looks beautiful. πŸ₯° ❀️

By: Amanda Farmer Thu, 03 Jun 2021 22:30:21 +0000 I have published several books. What is my advice? It’s an exciting time but don’t expect to become a bestselling millionaire. If it happens, jump up and down but don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t. Being Mennonite, you have a platform already that sells but it takes hours and hours of work to sell books. Some of the things I did were send out postcards to people I know. Advertise on Facebook and other on-line platforms. Set up a website dedicated to your book. Knowing how to use SEO is helpful. I am not an expert on such.
Putting ads in magazines, doing radio or TV interviews etc is hugely expensive. The cost/benefit ratio always has to be considered. You can put thousands of dollars into advertising and never recoup most of those costs so look for methods that are relatively cheap and especially with a baby coming, the least time consuming. Don’t make it an obsession and let it replace your family. Getting reviews on places like Amazon is hugely helpful but often difficult to accomplish. It is hard to sell without reviews. I would be happy to do a review for you.

By: Mary Beth Martin Thu, 03 Jun 2021 21:57:20 +0000 ]]> In reply to Marian.

I have never written a book, so I’m probably not qualified to answer! But I’ll say what I thought of: you might reach out to Katrina Hoover Lee. She does book signings and all those author-ly things. She might have good advice. Plus, she has a new baby! 😊

By: Marian Thu, 03 Jun 2021 20:58:43 +0000 I can’t wait to see a glimpse of that BABY, Luci!

Congrats on publishing Turtle Heart. I have no suggestions about promotion except this: probably digital mostly because you will be so busy with that baby, at least at first. :-)
