Lucinda J Kinsinger

This Is Just to Say

I will be giving a talk at the University of Wisconsin-Barron this Thursday, February 22nd at noon. The talk is titled “The Story of a Mennonite” and is described as follows:

Join Lucinda Miller as she reflects on her own peculiar Mennonite life and the stories and complexities that make it real. Learn the histories of some distinctive Mennonite traditions and learn how story has shaped her into the person she is today. Get a chance to ask all the questions you’ve ever wondered about a Mennonite during the Q and A session at the end.

If you are in the area of Rice Lake on Thursday, I would love to have you join us.

And if you can’t make it at noon, perhaps you will want to come by the Rice Lake Public library later that same day. I will be giving an author talk at 5:30 p.m. and would love to connect with you there.

Other news:

My family took a weekend trip to the Twin Cities, one final fling before my little brother Benny gets married this spring. We took a fun family picture in front of a giant cherry on a giant spoon, but I can’t find my photographer brother Chad’s camera card so I can steal the picture to show you. Maybe next week.

A dear friend visits today. She originated in Somalia and, as an excellent cook, will be making a Somali meal for us tonight. I very much look forward to it.

I took the title of this post from a poem by William Carlos Williams. If you haven’t read hisĀ “This Is Just to Say,” do. It is one of my favorites.

6 thoughts on “This Is Just to Say”

  1. Luci, I’m amazed at the doors opening before you. You demonstrate great courage as you talk about your story in academic settings. We really couldn’t see the future back when we were children at the Sheldon Mennonite Church but it became a part of our story.

  2. As you know, Lucinda, the key to selling books after the launch is marketing. And you have the energy and chutzpah to do just that. Good for you! Your life is anything but simple, and I’m sure you like it that way.

    I am more familiar with Williams’ The Red Wheelbarrow” than with the other title, which I still find delicious:
    I have eaten
    the plums
    that were in
    the icebox

    and which
    you were probably
    for breakfast

    Forgive me
    they were delicious
    so sweet
    and so cold

    Sorry – couldn’t resist!

    1. Marketing is HARD work–but so is any worthwhile undertaking. I think many of us reclusive and retiring authors dread the public part of our job–but we don’t write for ourselves, after all. We write to share, to communicate, and marketing is part of that. And yes, my life often feels quite complicated, but I do enjoy challenges and busyness both.

  3. I know its been a couple weeks, but do you have any details to share on that Somali dinner? I imagine it was delicious and maybe spicy?

    1. Lucinda Miller

      It WAS delicious. Chicken and rice, seductively seasoned. A little spicy, but not too much, because our Somali friend knows we can’t handle it.

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