Lucinda J Kinsinger

School Begins in Corner of Church Basement

In May, a member of my little country church brought it up.

“A school? What do you think about a school?”

corner basement school

In June, we decided to try it.


In July, they asked me to be the teacher.

Open Door

In August, my brother-in-law, Jeff, built the classroom in a corner of our church basement.

corner basement school

In September, we will start.

starting school

My church used to have a school when I was young. I attended that school, the Linden Christian Day School, for seven years. It was a white-sided country school with a bell on the top of it, and a skating rink and sledding hill out back. That school folded due to lack of financial support. For years, we held on to the school building, thinking that someday we might start up the school again, and finally, realizing the building could never be financially viable for us, we sold it.

Since then, the families in my church, none of whom would feel comfortable sending their children to a public school, have taught their children at home. The subject of re-starting a school was brought up many times over the years by parents who felt their children would benefit from a classroom setting, but there was never enough support to get a school up and running.

Someone brought it up again this year, but this year there was a different vibe in the air. A quick-moving vibe. From small suggestion to finished classroom: four months. And simple as it is, we now have a school.

Who knows why the Lord opened these doors now, with this set of people?

He did.

There are only a few of us here, but together we will walk on through this door and see what is on the other side of it.

Let me introduce you to my students.

This is Katie, my first grader.


Her comment about school? “I like finding pennies in my school desk.” She found one there the first time she lifted the lid.

MacKenzie, my third grader.

MacKenzie“What I feel about school? uhhhh….SO EXCITED!!!!!”

This is Regina.

Regina“My first comment about the school is I like being with other people.”

And Johnny, who is in sixth grade.


“Me and MacKenzie are going to become ping pong ball experts.”

In one week, we’ll have books in our desks and posters on our walls.

In two weeks, school will commence.

In three weeks, our first week of school will have been completed.

Think I can handle this lively foursome?

Katie sticks out her tongue

MacKenzie and Regina at school

Four Students

Check back three weeks from now.

I’ll let you know.

3 thoughts on “School Begins in Corner of Church Basement”

  1. You still have that little white easel chalkboard thing from the old school! What else got salvaged from that building! The desks? I often wonder about all those fabulous books i read when I was a little girl? Did someone take them? Where are they? I hope this works out splendidly for all of you. God’s very best to you!

    1. Amy, yes, the desks with lids were salvaged from the old school. :) And I’m using some of the same holey card drills I used to do when I was a girl. The books disappeared into different people’s houses–I think we have some around our place somewhere. Thanks so much for your best wishes. All going well so far…I’m planning to post more about school next week.

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