Lucinda J Kinsinger

Fragrant Whiffs of Joy – Book Review and Giveaway

Several years ago—late summer 2013, according to old emails I pulled up—I visited the Willamette Valley and was invited to an Anabaptist writers’ gathering. I was awed when I heard the event was to be hosted at the home of author Dorcas Smucker, whose books Mom sold in our bookstore. She was a professional author, with a newspaper column and everything. I felt I was moving up in the world.

Then I happened to run across her in a Mennonite-owned store in Harrisburg, pushing a cart and putting stuff into it, like any other Mennonite woman would. I peeked at her, awed, and did not introduce myself.

It’s not that I exactly thought she was famous—not Hollywood famous, anyway. Still, it was an odd sensation to see her there.  One doesn’t expect to see an inhabitant of one’s mind and imagination—a glamorous being with a career and a family so much classier than mine (I could tell by their picture on the book jacket)—commit a mundane act like pushing a cart.

The writers’ event was lovely. I got to see the old farmhouse I had read about in Dorcas’ stories, and it was just as I would have imagined it. I got a glimpse of the winsome, red-haired Jenny. And she, the author herself, was like one of her own books come to life: genuine, scatterbrained, conversational, witty. A sort of low-ish voice you liked to listen to. Hospitable in a casual, we’re-all-friends-here sort of way.

The Anabaptist writers’ world is a small and welcoming place. I am indebted to a number of authors from this place who have helped me tremendously and continue to help me in my writing journey. Dorcas is one of them. Since that day in her farmhouse, we have been in touch more than once. She is always quick with encouraging words or helpful advice.

I always admire your writing, I emailed four years ago after our first and only meeting. Because you have a way of making people sound like real people–lively and interesting and un-uniform. The sort of writing I wanna do.

I still feel that way.

Of all her books, her recently published Fragrant Whiffs of Joy is, perhaps, my favorite so far. Here are a few things I related to and loved:

  • The fact that this book is easy to pick up and easy to read, anytime, any place. It is a collection of essays originally written for the Register-Guard in Eugene, Oregon, and, while the essays are roughly chronological, they can be read in any order. They are short, which makes for pressure-free reading and easy sharing.
  • The stage of life she is in right now, with adult children in and out of the house, everyone with individual interests and personalities. It reminds me of my own family’s present season. I love hearing her kids’ opinions, their college choices, their interactions with each other, their plans for the future.
  • Her unexpected phrases. “Mostly, I listen to birds.” What a great way to start a chapter!
  • Her humor. She wrote this about her experience during a plane flight to Ohio: “Hoping to get some work done, I placed my notebook on the tray, dug for a pen and panicked again. My handful of carefully collected pens was still at home, lying on my desk. I had one pen. ONE! How would I make it? I have to have at least three pens or I feel shaky and scared. Would they have pens in Ohio?” This is so me, applicable to a lack of pens, paper, or books, and very possibly that is why I laughed so hard.
  • Her insight. She said this about her mother, and it reminded me of my own: “In a strange paradox, Mom’s happiness with her narrow sphere made it possible for her to influence a much wider world.”
  • And this, which spoke so directly to my heart and the place in life I find myself, the direction God is nudging me, I cried, reading it: “We are not all called to be mothers, but we can all choose that essential selflessness of motherhood: the giving, the self-forgetful investing of our lives in others. The maturity this choice requires reconciles us to the truth that much of our sacrifice won’t be appreciated until long after we’re gone. But after we’ve received that kind of loving involvement, we realize how immeasurably it mattered, and we are honored to pass it on.”

If you would like your name entered in a drawing to receive your own autographed copy of this book, leave a comment below. Be sure to put your name and email address in the correct blanks, so I can contact you if you win! (Your email address won’t show up publicly.) This giveaway ends at midnight on the last day of November. Check back on the first day of December to hear the winner.

You can order the book from Amazon or directly from Dorcas. Contact her at 31148 Substation Drive, Harrisburg, OR 97446 or at her email address: Books are $12 each plus $2 postage. Checks or PayPal accepted.

To get to know Dorcas and her writing (if you don’t already), visit her blog, Life in the Shoe.


128 thoughts on “Fragrant Whiffs of Joy – Book Review and Giveaway”

  1. Hi Lucinda! I found your blog through Dorcas blog tour. Though I don’t mind winning the book I’m more wanting to read wholesome blogs by godly women like yourself. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  2. So I’ve entered all the drawings these past days…I can’t ignore this one! I’ve “read Dorcas’ things” for years, met her several times, and hope I’ll win!

  3. I enjoyed the one book I read by Dorcas. This one is on my list of books I want to read. Your review is great.

  4. I enjoy Dorcas’s writing and also yours, especially this story how you met her. Would love to win this book!

  5. Obviously I am not entering the drawing, but I laughed and laughed at your first 4 paragraphs, especially the idea of gauging our classiness by the picture on a book jacket! Oh mercy, you have no idea what unsophisticated battles are behind some of these family pictures!
    Lovely review!

  6. I enjoy your blog, as I do Dorcas’ books. I have all the rest of her books- I’d love to win the new one!

  7. What a great post about you finely meeting your author that you liked. I know that if I met any one of my authors that I follow I would die. Thank you for the giveaway.

  8. And the funny thing is that when I played with a little Amish girl oh so many years ago, I never knew that either one of us may someday be famous. She was just Amos Yoder’s Dorcas and I was just Kim. LOL I would love to have my name in the drawing. thanks

  9. I am also awed by Dorcas’ writing! If I win this book I will gift it to a dear friend who is struggling right now. I am new to your blog and look forward to reading more of it.

  10. I really enjoy Dorcas’ s writings! I try to remember, even famous people are still people, but I do appreciate others’ God-given talents!

  11. I read one of her other books that I borrowed from a friend. Would like to have a chance to win one for my own bookshelf.

  12. I would love to win this book! It would make the perfect birthday gift to myself lol! I haven’t read her books, but the short articles/excerpts I’ve read are so real & inspiring!

  13. I love Dorcas’ writing. She brings joy and light thru her words! Would love a chance to win her book!

  14. I have enjoyed all of Dorcas’ books and would love to have this one to read and then share in our church library.

  15. Great review! I love Dorcus’ writing, and look forward to reading this book. Dorcas for me is the only glimpse of good news in her articles of our local paper!

  16. Luci, I love your book review and also the book you wrote. I don’t know if I’ve told you that yet. It made me laugh and cry so many times. – Dawn

  17. I follow her blog but haven’t read any of her books.Thanks for the opportunity, I’d be delighted to have this new book!

  18. I’d like to read this book. Also, my special needs daughter likes your new book and picks it for me to read. Seems all her favorite books tell stories of Wisconsin(where her Dad was born)

  19. Wanting to tell you how much I enjoyed your review, but do not choose me cause I have won one of the books already on another blog! 😘

  20. It will save postage if you pick me!!!:) I’ve spent countless hours rocking babies with one of Dorcas’ books for company!

  21. I’m delighted to find new inspiring blogs and and delighted when I win giveaways! ;) I really enjoy Dorcas’ fresh & honest writing style.

  22. I’ve never read a single book of hers so it’s time I start! This book sounds like a great one to get.

  23. Really enjoyed your book review! You did a great job at increasing my desire to read her book. It would be great to win. Thanks!

  24. I met Dorcas when she came to the Willamette Valley to teach school many years ago. Who would have known? I love her writing. Randomly winning her latest book would be delightful. .

  25. I’ve never heard of Dorcas Smucker, but with your lovely introduction of her, I am intrigued! I would love to own a copy of a book of hers indeed! Thank you for this generous giveaway :)

  26. Your description of Dorcas’ writing makes me want to read her book! I’d love to be entered for a chance to win a copy. Thanks!

  27. So interesting! I think it is so neat to meet authors of books that you are interested in! I know how I felt when I brought your book at Shipshewana a few months back! Plus what made it more special is you let me take my picture with you! 😊
    Have a great day!

  28. Luci, I’d love to get the latest of Dorcas.
    Also, what you just posted about perception and truth is great. You do a great job of getting your thoughts over to us. I really like how you did that in your book.

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