Lucinda J Kinsinger

And Then There Were Seven

Ava Joy arrived November 28, my seventh “nibling.”

I have two nephews and five nieces now.

Ava came in a tearing hurry. Her dad had to speed like mad to get to the birth center on time. Ava was born 5 minutes–5 minutes!–after they got there.

After Ava had shot into the world, Ava’s dad went outside to check on the car and found it still running, with the driver’s door and passenger’s door wide open. All the doors leading into the birthing center were open, too.

Ava with her mom and dad the first day she was born.

Ava’s middle name is Joy, just like mine. This makes me feel special.

“She has a tiny mouth,” I told Ava’s mama.

“It reminded me of you,” Ava’s mama said. This is true. I wonder if Ava will have as much trouble opening her mouth for dentists as I’ve always had.

Ava’s big brother Donovan isn’t so much older than Ava herself–a year and three months–but here’s betting he’ll use that year and three months to make sure she knows who’s boss.

Dora, Donovan, Ava

Ava has a cousin, Erin, who is only three weeks older than she:

Erin Elizabeth (photo taken by Kathy Miller Zimmerman)

Do you think they’ll be best friends in a few years?

I do.

And here is Ava with her Grandpa and Grandma:


Seven grandchildren! They are really starting to earn that Grandpa and Grandma title.

Welcome to the world, Ava.

13 thoughts on “And Then There Were Seven”

  1. Congrats! You are a wonderful Aunt, I am sure. I think it is so funny, all the doors were open and the car running. What a story to tell Ava when she gets older.

  2. Oh wow! What a story!

    Congrats to all! I like her name and that is so neat that she and Erin are so close in age. 😊

  3. Ava was ready to join us all in this world and make her mark. You and her family will have a grand time watching what she’s up to! What a lovely family you have. Welcome, Ava. Enjoy, Auntie! :-) (and what a gorgeous photo of you with the lovely Ava)

  4. I have a Mennonite friend (middle-aged) with the name Ava Lee. I thought the name was beautiful and her mother rather bold to name her that since the movie star Ava Gardner was popular then.

    You look like a very motherly aunt. Love emanates from each photo.

    1. A motherly aunt…this made me laugh. I do feel that way. Very interesting about your friend. I wouldn’t have known that Ava was a movie star’s name, and I’m not sure if this shows my age or my ignorance of movie stars. :)

  5. I didn’t see movies until I left my parents home: Movie going was discouraged in our Mennonite community too. Ava Gardner was a sensation during the 1950s and 1960s well before your time, but I knew about her because (like other stars in pop culture) she appeared in magazines and was featured in product endorsements.

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