Lucinda J Kinsinger

I Can Do All Things

Ever feel like you are hanging upside down in life, swinging wildly by your feet and going nowhere? That’s how I feel today, with a book that needs written, a school year that needs planned (because school starts next week and I’m the teacher), and dishes that very badly need doing.

My verse for this week, and for all the following weeks until I meet my deadline is: “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.

All things. No doubts. He is with me.

I hope, whatever your pursuits today, this verse is an encouragement for you, too.

12 thoughts on “I Can Do All Things”

  1. Luci, this is one of my favorite verses, too. I think it’s also one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible (KJV anyway). So many people say ‘through Christ “who” strengtheneth me.’ That is scriptural and true, but has a different meaning to me. It means that Christ does the work, puts in the effort. Whereas, ‘through Christ “which” strengtheneth me’ indicates to me that I’m exercising my faith in God and every time I do that I grow stronger spiritually, just as physical exercise strengthens us. Just wanted to share that with you! Blessings on all your work – I really enjoy your blog.

    1. Teckla, that’s a good thought and one that never occurred to me before. Thank you for sharing! I ALMOST typed “who” before I remembered, No, it’s “which”. Glad I got it right.

  2. I’ve been hanging onto this verse with both hands. It should be my theme verse for August, which is the month for All Things, a firehose of activity that drenches me in exhaustion and overwhelm. Sounds like you’re standing in front of a firehose, too. I wish you clearness of mind, purpose of heart, and the passion and energy to pursue the work before you.

  3. Can you let the dishes for now???? =) Smirk! I know how it is! =) Our school began on Friday, so we are in the throes of getting into our routines, etc. It can be a whirlwind sometimes! =) Blessings as you rely on HIM!

    1. :) The dishes are done…Mom and I and MacKenzie did them together. And I did some writing…school prep, here I come! Thank you for commenting, and blessings to you too.

  4. Luci, I am with you on the need to rely on God for our strength…I am thinking of you as I am preparing for another year of teaching as well…I fear the mundane of the year…I can give that to God too, Yes?

  5. Best wishes in all you have to do! I definitely know the feeling of being overwhelmed with so much to do that you feel like just retreating and doing nothing. In the book “Lies Women Believe” the author says one of the lies Satan wants us to believe is “I don’t have time to do everything I’m supposed to do.” The truth is “There is time in every day to do everything that God wants me to do.” This has been an encouragement to me to not focus on all the things to be done, but focus on God and allow him to be judge of what I have time to do. Best wishes as you look to Christ for strength each day!

    1. Thank you. I really appreciate that thought. I always have a feeling, when I can’t reach around to everyone and everything that I would like to, that I am doing something wrong. But maybe the real problem is, not that I am doing something wrong, but that my focus is wrong. When I ask “What does GOD want from me today?” all of a sudden my list looks different. Or not different so much as my view of it is different–I become aware of the essence of life itself, and of God in me, and the list doesn’t seem so important anymore. I will remember this in the weeks to come.

  6. Verses like this give me joy – and focus. Your featured verse is a favorite as is another perched in a blue frame above my kitchen sink: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jer. 29:11

    1. That’s beautiful. What sustaining words to read over and over again. It’s the old familiar verses I always turn to when I need direction for living.

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