Lucinda J Kinsinger


It’s spring today, really spring, fifty degrees and sunny. I shook myself out of a morning’s funk and went with Elizabeth to see the puppy which she is planning to buy from a friend. Here’s what we saw on the way:20160311_112510Yup. That’s blue sky, sun as white and bright and squeaky fresh as new cheese, water in the ditches.

And oh, the puppies. They smelled like rubber soles, like hay and fur and baby fat. They nipped sharp teeth into our arms, braced themselves and pulled dresses and sweaters until we thought the fabric would rip, jumped and tickled and rolled.



Of course, we discovered we’d sat on dog poo. Oh well. Who cares about a little bit of wet and brown when it is spring and puppies are licking your faces?



Their older brother watched from the doorway. Maybe he was remembering when he was pup, or maybe he just wanted attention and someone to throw him pine cone to fetch. (Which we did on our way back out to the car.)


It’s spring. God is good.

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