Lucinda J Kinsinger

What I Love about Today

1. A friend brought me a sign that says, “Brilliantly Unique.” I loved it so much I cried.

2. I started reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. And maybe every Christian woman but me has already read this book, but I’m just saying. It is beautiful.

3. My sister and I saw two bear on the way home from town. A few yards from our car, closer than I’ve ever seen them in the wild.

4. The memory of yesterday, when I went horseback riding for the second time in two weeks, and felt that it was almost natural, my body rising and falling with the movement of the the horse. I trotted up a green hill in the field alone, then circled back to my two friends–though I had a hard time convincing the horse to turn around; he had thought we were going home. But I had never believed that I-I!- could ride a horse all by myself, could ask it to trot and slow and turn its head and feel comfortable doing it. Afterwards, we three sat on our horses and talked while the sun lowered and I held my hand to my forehead, squinting.

5. Another memory from yesterday: washing feet with the other women from church. For those of you not familiar with this practice, it is taken from John 13 where Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and then told them, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

Washing feet is a symbol of servanthood and fellowship. I love this, love the galvanized steel tubs we use, the warm water splashed over my cold feet, the scrubby towel against my toes–almost as good as a foot massage. Afterwards we hug, my sister in Christ and I, and tell each other, “I love you.” My little student Kaitlyn wants her feet washed too, like the older ladies, so I wash them for her and watch her smile.

There is something about the simple, maybe silly act of washing feet–silly because everybody except Kaitlyn, who is a child and doesn’t know better, comes with feet squeaky clean in preparation to be “washed.” Nothing like the disciples’ feet, which were actually dusty and dirty and in need of washing. But needless or not, there is something incredibly meaningful, real, PHYSICAL about kneeling down to care for someone’s feet. Doing it, I remember my purpose in life–not to take care of me, but to serve. This is why God created me. So often I forget.

6. The final thing I love about today? God is with me. That is more powerful than anything else I know. I feel Him with me in happiness, but I am more sure of Him in pain. It is a funny thing, but it is true. When I hurt, I know how much He loves me. Not right away maybe; first I struggle and fret and cry; but deep within my consciousness the knowledge grows that He loves me. I do not think I can adequately describe this gift of Presence or tell how it is that it comes–but I am thankful.

These are the things I love about today.

6 thoughts on “What I Love about Today”

  1. Luci, I really enjoyed this blog. Thank you for your comments on foot washing. I am not Mennonite, but it is something my church has always done. It’s a very special time. I’ve heard many sermons/sermonettes at foot washing, highlighting different aspects, but not sure I’ve ever heard so plainly about it demonstrating our purpose in being born to serve. That seems obvious, but I like being reminded. Sometimes we are so different, from such different backgrounds, yet so alike. Thank you for sharing your hear!

  2. I enjoy your posts and your perspective.
    I too, have not read Ann Voskamp’s book, but have heard some share that caution should be used. Since reading is not my first love (short articles are fine), then I might never get to this book. Wonder what you’ll have to say about it?

    1. So far I am loving the focus on being grateful for tiny things. I remember a verse in the Bible (can’t remember the reference right now) that talks about giving “the sacrifice of praise.” This is what Ann’s book is saying to me: how to live a life of praise. There is so much fullness in that concept.

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