Lucinda J Kinsinger

2015 School Field Trip – A Photo Story

Well, my promise to myself to blog more frequently has fallen by the wayside of late. Mondays seem to be about all I can manage.

And that’s okay.

I made myself no rules–was only trying to give some sorely needed encouragement to stay in touch with my writing self.

I have been working on revising Turtle Heart. It’s a long road uphill yet before this book will ever make it to print. Publishing is huge. And becoming an author is one of the decisions where, if I would have known then what I know now…

I would have pursued it anyway.

Foolish, foolish artists. When life COULD be so easy, right?

But I’m not going to talk about writing today; I want to tell you about our little school’s field trip on Thursday. We toured a cranberry marsh, visited the Ladysmith News office, and visited the fire station. A crisp fall day,  one of those where it looks as if everything is outlined with Sharpies, where the air is chilly but you are stunned sometimes by the warmth of the sun.

We started at 10:00 with Meadowbrook Family Farms.


Cranberries at Meadowbrook Family Farms

Cranberries at Meadowbrook Family Farm

We hiked out to the marsh and got to see harvest in progress.

Tractors at Meadowbrook Family Farm

Harvest at Meadowbrook Family Farms

Harvest at Meadowbrook Family Farms

Harvest at Meadowbrook Family Farms

Dorcas and the pointer

Here are all the children and I with Yvonne, who runs the marsh with her husband. Not pictured is Joanna, who graciously helped me plan this field trip, Joanna’s brother, and Joanna’s mom, who is visiting from Pennsylvania.

Tour Group at Meadowbrook Family Farms
Yvonne, Regina, Dorcas, myself, MacKenzie, Madison, Jonathan, Kaitlyn

After the cranberry marsh, we had lunch and playtime at the park. I really wonder sometimes, with these children’s knack for entertaining themselves, if I couldn’t just make the field trip an entire day of playing at the park, and they would be happy.

playtime at Memorial Park

After lunch, we visited the Ladysmith News office, and editor Luke Klink gave us a very gracious tour. The highlight was getting our picture taken and seeing him format it onto the front page (sample only). We all got a printout to take home.

Luke Klink explains how the Ladysmith News is formatted

It was also interesting to see samples of old time Ladysmith News papers, and the heavy old lead forms they once used to bring the paper to print.

Ladysmith News old time newspapers

I really think the little girls liked the parrot fish best of all.

parrot fish at Ladysmith News office

After the newspaper office, we went to the fire station. Fire trucks are always a hit. Fire chief Dave showed us around and answered the many questions my children asked. My school kids are definitely smarter than their teacher, that’s all I’m saying.

That photo at the top shows us right outside the fire station. Some were more ready for pictures than others.

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse of our field trip. Have a good week, everybody!

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