Lucinda J Kinsinger

Women in the Trenches – Janae Miller with RISE

“I am very much a people person,” Janae says. “I love meeting new people and experiencing new cultures. I love to paint and draw, sing, play violin and ukulele, and write. I have a part time job babysitting for an Indian family in Hutchinson. They are Hindu, so it feels like my job is a mission field.”

How she got involved: “I started with RISE two years ago, when I was sixteen. Being the people person I am, I craved the social interaction. And I love kids. Also, people in ministry are intentional people, the kind I want to be influenced by.

“The first time I visited, I didn’t enjoy it, but I knew it was what I wanted to do, so I purposed to put myself into it. I’ve learned when I’m stretched I grow the most, and getting out of my comfort zone makes me depend on God. It’s scary but rewarding. Kids’ church is fun now, one of my highlights.”

A special journey: “I mentor a twelve year old girl through RISE. We spend time together at kids’ church, then two to four times a month, we hang out doing things we both enjoy. She’s adopted my family, and we often have good and meaningful conversations. She’s searching; she’s hungry. It’s nothing I’ve done. It’s God’s work in her life and her wanting to get to know Him better.

“She has a more solid family than some, but she’s had some hurtful experiences when she was pretty young. Going by that, she could be much further behind, but she has risen above what her circumstances call for and wants to do what ‘s right. I’ve seen that beauty in her; I’ve seen her grow; and I am so honored to be a part of her life.”

An answer to prayer: “I sing on one of the worship teams. Recently, our worship leader was gone, and in previous times when that’s happened, we’ve had chaos. Thankfully, another guy was around to fill in the two weeks he was gone, but we were still really praying. Then our guitarist had a bad cold and wasn’t sure if he could do it. We prayed, and he was able to do it. We made it through worship without any glitches, and the following week as well. It was a complete answer to prayer. The evening could have been a disaster.

“I couldn’t even tell all the stories where God has directly answered prayer.  It’s incredible to see. I see God working continually, in us and in the kids to open their hearts. It’s nothing I or any of the other staff do. We’re not more qualified or more talented than anyone else. We were willing, and God did way more exceedingly above all that we asked or thought, and continues to do so.”


More coming! This is the second of a 3-part article written for Daughters of Promise. Tomorrow I will post Rachel Miller’s story. If you want to see more pictures of RISE or contact the team, check out the RISE Kid’s Church facebook page. 

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