Lucinda J Kinsinger

Rosanna in the MIddle

Introducing Rosanna in the Middle

“Hello, everyone,” she said, slipping in the door and tossing her purse on the cupboard.

“Where have you been?” they asked her. “You’re later than you said you would be.”

“Well, I’ve been writing and revising and picking and pickling and baking and blanching and listening and living and being a mom and being pregnant…all very necessary items of business, I assure you.”

They shrug. “Okay, I guess. We were busy anyway. Any news?”

“Well…actually…” she casually pulls a thing from behind her back. “This just came out. Wanna look?”

And so we introduce (drum roll please) ROSANNA in the Middle!

This story is based on my mom’s childhood, as The Arrowhead was based on an incident from my dad’s childhood. In case any of you don’t know about the first children’s book I wrote, here both of them are together. I love having a sort of a set–one about my dad and one about my mom.

A sweet lady named Laura picked up an early copy of Rosanna in the Middle at Christian Light’s bookstore, and here’s what she had to say about it:

 I was quickly skimming through until I reached those last two pages, and I just want to say – the ending of that book is absolutely brilliant. Every so often I read a book that I wish I had written, and now that’s one of them. Such a beautiful way to tie everything together and leave a child with the vision of also being a part of that line of Christians. . . Thank you.

You can see further samples from Rosanna in the Middle on CLP’s website, and order your own copy.

I’ll be back next week with an update from my life. :)

11 thoughts on “Introducing Rosanna in the Middle”

  1. I can’t wait to purchase this book about my dear friend Rose, and mother-in-law to two of my granddaughters! Blessings! Jo

    1. A new book is very exciting and I hope to share it with my children soon!
      I have been waiting for you and am glad that you’ve just been busy enjoying God’s gifts. I will try to be patient for the life update.

  2. Pingback: Favorite Photos from My Summer - Lucinda J Kinsinger

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