Lucinda J Kinsinger

May 2022 Photo Journal

In May, we said good-bye to our dear Grandma Dorothy…

…learned to love the grass and the great outdoors…

…and traveled to Boston for Sattler’s first commencement.

In May, we met several interesting animals and fell in love with the kitty.

We cleaned last year’s honey from the hives (after the unfortunate wintertime death of our bees)…

…enjoyed a picnic or two…

…and welcomed my parents from Wisconsin for a short but wonderful visit.

They came bearing gifts, including Tricky Dogs which, for some reason, every child of every age finds fascinating. Best church toys ever! If you don’t have a set, buy one on Amazon or at one of the numerous little Amish stores you find in country places.

That’s all for May! Talk soon.

7 thoughts on “May 2022 Photo Journal”

  1. Roberta Miller Yoder

    What’s the story behind the picture o Ivan with a deer? And what do you think happened to your bees over winter? Thank you

    1. Ivan barely avoided mowing over the little fawn out in our hay field, and then it kept following him until he snuggled it up in the fence line. We’ve had so much trouble keeping bees over the winter! They freeze out I guess. We’ve had some trouble with mites too.

  2. Oh I enjoy your writing so much! You have a very captivating way of writing and it makes you want to read more! Your girlie is precious and just growing more and more!

  3. I enjoyed your “picture blog” So glad your parents could visit !! Yes, I have a pair of Tricky Dogs in my
    S.S,. purse. Our children & grandchildren enjoyed playing with them. :)

  4. I bought a set of Tricky Dogs in a little Amish store in Ohio. I carried it with me, and then gave it to a friend’s little grandson! I remember as a child playing with them during church! :-)

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