Lucinda J Kinsinger

Top 5 Blog posts and a bee

A bee buzzed past the blueberry bushes this morning while I was breastfeeding Annalise. I wish I could follow it to places green and delightful.

Fortunately and unfortunately, I am working on finishing my FINAL college class in my quest to earn a communications degree. The class is called “Writing for Publication” and is more intense than most. It keeps me busy at my desk when, like a kid in the springtime, I want to be doing anything but school.

But I am almost finished! And that is something to celebrate.

Just for fun, and to keep things simple, today I am going to post links to my 5 top-read blog posts of all time. You know, because Jesus said, “To the blog post that has most readers will more readers be given.” Or something like that.

#5. Jesus, Who Lives in Mud – Lucinda J Kinsinger This is perhaps my favorite post of all time, and its frequent spot in my featured posts is probably the reason for its #5 most-read status. I love it because it says a thing I had a hard time wrapping my mind around and putting into words, but that fundamentally changed my understanding of Christianity and redemption.

#4 Mennonite Jokes and the Value of Different – Lucinda J Kinsinger This fun blog post from early in my writing career reaped unexpected popularity and landed me an opportunity to participate in a documentary (which I turned down as not the right thing for me at that time).

#3 Oh to Be Mennonite and Single – Lucinda J Kinsinger Another fun and unexpectedly popular post from my single days.

#2 Why the Blow-up Over CAM’s Failure to Report Sex Crimes Needed to Happen – Lucinda J Kinsinger A wise comment from my mom on what was at the time a hot-button issue turned into a much-shared post. And just a word on CAM…I believe they have done well with attempting to rectify past wrongs and still receive my support and loyalty in the work they are doing to help the needy and spread the gospel.

#1 NOT Maintaining My Mennonite-ness – Lucinda J Kinsinger A suggestion from a friend turned into this post that blew my relatively new blog out into the great swirling waters of the Mennonite blogosphere. To date, this is still my most-read post.


Feature photo courtesy of my mom. Can you find the honeybee?

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Blog posts and a bee”

  1. I couldn’t make up my mind which post to read at first but I zeroed in on your post Not Maintaining My Mennonite-ness. Since its such an old post I will comment here. I found it very interesting and many of the comments had me questioning why I desire or rather what are my motives for wanting to be a Mennonite in a Mennonite church. I hold on to the Biblical doctrines that Mennonites hold such as headcoverings, nonresistance, modesty etc. I don’t always hold on to the man made things like cape dresses because I don’t have many and I’m still trying to learn how to sew one so I wear jumpers and long skirts. It’s not easy having these convictions without having any local support. All my Mennonite friends live out of the area. And the Baptist church I attend does not share my convictions.

    One of your commenter had mentioned she thought Mennonites were I believe she said “stuck up, pompous and that they think they are the true church” or something like that. I wonder if she had encountered a particular “style” of Mennonites if you will that I see here in town. I won’t name the group but my conservative Mennonite friends did warn me that these particular Mennonites are as the lady described in her comment and from my friend and her family who visited their fellowship.

    I’m not sure where I was going with my way too comment. I will say that first of all I’m a Christ follower above all else and a Mennonite wannabe second.

    1. It’s so good to hear from you, Regina! I admire your commitment to following God’s Word, even when those you associate with don’t share your convictions. Bless you for that! I think you are right that people often draw their conclusions depending on their experiences and who they know.

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