Lucinda J Kinsinger

March Photo Journal

March has been a good month. I wanted to make it a month of rest, and I think it has been for the most part. Today the sun shines and the grass is greening. I took a nap and plan to go to bed early tonight. We rejoice.

Our dear Grandma Dorothy plans to move to Iowa in a month or so, to live near her biological children. We will miss her very much. I won’t have scenes like this one in my living room anymore.

In March I got to meet two sweet little great nieces, Quinn and Kate, for the first time. Babies are always special, but there’s just something about twins that brings a double dose of oo-ing and ah-ing.

Annalise is the youngest of the Kinsinger grandchildren, though she fits age-wise into the burgeoning second crop of which the twins are part. Here she is pictured with Marlin, the oldest of the grandchildren.

In March, I attended a bridal shower with a roomful of lovely Oakland ladies, and a few from neighboring places as well.

Ivan and I celebrated our dating-versary on the first day of spring. This is the day he was flying home from Wisconsin after flying out specifically to meet me, and I emailed him and said “yes” to dating. He was surprised and overjoyed because I’d mostly acted like I didn’t think it was a possibility. NOT for any ulterior motives, but because I didn’t want to get his hopes up only to disappoint him. But I was so excited about the idea of dating him by the time his visit was over that I made up my mind quickly and emailed him the very same day.

I often think about how odd it is…no, about how God it is…that this complete stranger dropped from a plane into my life and turned out to be the perfect person for me in every way. It’s all the more astounding because in my older single years, I had grown more practical than romantic and thought matches made in heaven were mostly a chick flick thing. Turns out maybe not.

In March Annalise leaped into crawling at high speed and to standing at every possible place at every possible opportunity.

After a winter of indoor living and quick dashes muffled in blankets, her world expanded when we introduced her to the great outdoors.

She continues to explore.

In March, we drove two hours to meet my sister Kathy and her husband Kirby and their children, who were visiting in Ohio and also drove a ways to meet us. I love every chance I get to be with my family.

And that’s all until next time!

6 thoughts on “March Photo Journal”

  1. I feel very privileged to have spent a bit of time in your home last fall, and love that I could meet Annalise in person. She will miss her grandma, but that sounds like a good move for Grandma. Best wishes to all and a blessed Easter to you all.

    1. Marian, I know from following you on your blog and on social media how much you love family as well! And we are SO grateful for our God who provides.

  2. Great pictures!! Annalise is so cuuute !!! She reminds me of your younger sister, beautiful baby girl.

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