Lucinda J Kinsinger

Faith, Simply

In last week’s post, I asked you a question: “What is simple faith? How does one get it and how does one teach it?”

You answered me generously, and I thank all who took the time and thought to respond.

Here’s what I heard from you:

  • A simple faith is, first and foremost, the result of a relationship with God.
  • It is not something we can generate, but is the gift of the Holy Spirit within us.
  • Experience enables our faith. As we step out in faith and find God trustworthy, we trust more.
  • Simple faith is a state of rest.
  • Simple faith is childlike.
  • Simple faith obeys.
  • It is through a simple faith that we can cease striving and trust God to fill in the gaps of our own inadequacy.
  • It is through a simple faith that we can fully live, embracing this life and the good gifts which God has given.

Simple faith is…

  • vulnerable.
  • trusting.
  • a bottomless well of knowing.
  • a peace which doesn’t make sense.
  • an amazing simple crazy love.
  • living out Christ in me.
  • finding meaning in the ordinary things.
  • looking for advice from the deep, quiet waters, not the noisiest sources.
  • tall, strong, and beautiful.
  • something that can be embraced, within reach.
  • simple.

We teach simple faith by example, nothing more. We cannot “give” our own to others. If we want those who follow us to understand and to reach out for a faith of their own, we must be vulnerable and open with them. We must model for them, however flawed, our own relationship with God and our dependence on Him.

We must, above all and always, pray.



3 thoughts on “Faith, Simply”

  1. Thank you for this blog especially, today and how God is using it in my life. How is it that so much encouragement comes with roots from Wisconsin? Thank you Lord for my husband and all the lessons you have taught me thro him. I especially liked the last paragraphs, teach simple faith by example If we want those who follow us to understand and to reach out for a faith of their own, we must be vulnerable and open with them. We must model for them, however flawed, our own relationship with God and our dependence on Him. above all and always, pray.

    With the death of Tony’s sister, kathy, In working with her husband’s family( many of the “welfare mentality” am I being what Jesus wants me to be? . I’ll probably never cross the ocean, go to large cities, because of my daughter, but am I sharing when and where He puts me? So thank you, I really needed this TODAY. Jesus said, look around you –the fields are ready for harvest. Do we really care?
    Love, and reach out? It doesn’t take much time to smile and give words of encouragement to those we meet. God can use those to meet inner needs we may never know of(nor do we need to) Continue to be faithful!

  2. Thanks so very much for this blog about Simple Faith. Well said……..I will print it out and share with a lady who just started coming to our church. She says she is a “non-believer” but is searching !! Our church family is praying for her. You have a very good gift of writing & communicating

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