Lucinda J Kinsinger

Church People & Ordinary Things

My days are filled with ordinary things, but when only a week remains before I head off across the country, ordinary things take on special meaning.

Okay, so I admit that sewing isn’t really that ordinary for me. Still.
Preparing for a birthday party.
Last dates with good friends.

This Sunday, I took my phone to church so Erin and I could take pictures together in our look-alike dresses. Erin was mostly unimpressed.

She thought being thrown up in the air was more fun.

And then, since I had my phone with me, I took pictures of the church people, to remember them by.

I wonder why I don’t take church pictures more often. A person doesn’t think of it, when you’ve gone to church almost every Sunday of your life.

Who takes pictures of such ordinary things?

I will miss these people when I head off to Boston.

24 thoughts on “Church People & Ordinary Things”

    1. Thank you! I am richer for all the online friends I’ve made through blogging. You didn’t leave your name, :) but I hope to hear from you again.

  1. I loved looking at your “ordinary” pictures of your church fellowship. I’m sure they will miss you too. How long will you be away at university?

    1. I am entering a four year degree program, but I will be home every summer and for winter break, too.

  2. Oh and I don’t want to appear ” bossy” but might I recommend moderating comments? On a recent post there was a comment that appeared to actually be a troll stirring up trouble. This person’s wording sounded very hurtful. Just a thought.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. I will consider it, especially if negative comments becomes a recurring thing. So far I haven’t had too much trouble with it. Maybe I am too innocent, but I hadn’t thought about the possibility of people deliberately stirring up trouble. I just figured some people have a very negative perspective.

  3. How special……..yes, you will miss these people but you will meet new friends. I always enjoy reading your blog…..keep writing Bertha M.

  4. So wonderful to have you share your photos. The “ordinary things” make great memories. Thank for sharing. May God give you safe traveling mercy.

  5. Jonathan Schrock

    It’s interesting to see your church pictures. The building still looks mostly the same but some of the faces have changed. There’s moments I think I’d enjoy sitting in that old auditorium again. Maybe someday I’ll come visit. May God bless your college experience!

    1. That would be fun to see you again. I met Micah and his wife the other day, and it was really fun to connect with him again, too. I felt like I was meeting a good old friend, though I thought afterward I probably feel like I know him better than he knows me–him being younger and all.

  6. The picture of Erin being thrown in the air is the best one anyway.😊You will most certainly be missed, Luci, even while we are so happy for you to have this opportunity.

  7. Best of luck in your college education. I hope you enjoy living in Boston. My grandma (she preferred Nana) Treasure was from Boston. She moved out here to marry my grandfather after his first wife died (in childbirth). We visited out there several times…just sooo much history and architecture and things to see.

    Will you be living in a dorm or with a family? Will look forward to hearing more as events unfold.

    1. I am looking forward to living in that rich historical atmosphere! I will be living in a dorm, and yes, I will definitely be blogging more about my experiences.

  8. So much beauty in the simplicity of these photo’s. Absolutely love them!!!! God be with you as you enter this new stage in your life. Blessings!!!!!!

  9. Thank your for sharing the photos from your faith community They are lovely and it wonderful to see those that are special in your life! Thanks again!

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